ARTS-A0201 - Freehand Drawing, Lecture, 9.1.2024-11.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 11.04.2024 Search Courses: ARTS-A0201
16.1. Drawing planes / surfaces with lines + landscape / object
Krav för slutförande
Senaste inlämningsdatum: onsdag, 24 januari 2024, 00:00
Use some of the lines you developed in the 9.1. Tuesday: One hunred lines -assignment to create SURFACES.
Repeat the lines to create different kinds of surfaces. When repeating, experiment with: direction, density, overlapping / distribution, rhythm, pattern.
Once you have drawn several surfaces that please you, make a drawing of 1) an IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE OR 2) an OBJECT (use an object as a model) using different kinds of surfaces to draw it.
Upload 2-5 pics.