MAR-E1006 - Landscape Architecture and Research, 08.01.2019-21.05.2019
This course space end date is set to 21.05.2019 Search Courses: MAR-E1006
Voluntary Assignment_2B
You are welcome to send me by email just before the start of the session one or two slides with:
- Outline of the work that you are planning to produce by the end of the course (if it is part of your Master Thesis, include the potential additional works that you would like to produce (e.g. case study, design exercise, guidelines, etc.?)
- A table including the goal, objectives, RQs, Readings in Literature Review (add one last empty row for "methods"). If you are planning to produce in the course the introductory part of your Master Thesis, consider if you need to include some additional Objectives and RQs connected with the works that you would like to do in addition to the Introductory part.