A!Peda Intro 42 (English) fall 2019
If you missed the third contact session - substitute assignment DL 16.10.2019
Suorituksen vaatimukset
Palautettava viimeistään: keskiviikkona 16. lokakuuta 2019, 23.59
1. Familiarize yourself with the slides of the third contact session AND read at least one of the articles given in last session. You will find the articles under the Contact session 2.
2. Consider and write about constructive alignment
a) Have you used the idea of constructive alignment in your teaching? If yes, describe the use of it (benefits and challenges). If not, consider the benefits using it from the teachers' and students' point of view.
b) Pick one or two topic from the articles (learning outcomes, teaching methods, student's workload, assessment) and describe why it is an important element if you design your teaching according to constructive alignment.
Submit your substitute assignment here at latest on Friday 16.10.2019.