Business communication skills 61A00200 Group 2 / Mark Badham 7.9.-16.10.2015
A4 Individual Critical Appraisal
Suorituksen vaatimukset
Palautettavissa alkaen: lauantaina 17. lokakuuta 2015, 14.15
Palautettava viimeistään: tiistaina 27. lokakuuta 2015, 17.00
Place your A4 Individual Critical Appraisal here. Due 5pm Monday 19 October. The feedback sheets you received following your team presentation + the video of your team presentation should assist your appraisal/reflection. The video was made available to you and your team members on Tuesday 13 October via GoogleDrive and you should have received an email informing you of this via your Google email account (the majority of you seem to have a Google account). Please let me know if you haven't been able to access/view the video.