USP-E0314 - Capstone Project, Lecture, 14.9.2021-7.12.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 07.12.2021 Etsi kursseja: USP-E0314
Previous groups continue, but there is also the possibility to switch to individual work.
Two landscape architecture students have indicated that they want to complete the course as individual work, because they will continue the work as their diploma works. This means that in the mid-critique tot. six works. This would mean app. 35 min / work, i.e. 17 minutes for each presentation and the same time for discussion. In addition to those two, we could accept a maximum of one other individual work so that there will be enough time for work-specific criticism.
Mid-review for this task: 9 November
Deadline: 6 December, 2021.
It is important to understand, that you cannot change the concept you have selected in the previous stage of the course.
- At the beginning, the student groups define the extents of their design by themselves (space / building / block / area), as well as their documents to be submitted, this definition work led by architecture/landscape architecture students. E.g. one of the following selections for finished material to be produced:
- in building scale: site plan 1:500, floor plans, sections and facades 1:250
- in block scale: site plan 1:1000, floor plans, sections and facades 1:500
- in areal scale (several blocks): urban grain map for a larger area than the site 1:5000-1:10000, site plan 1:2000-1:4000, zoom-in sub-area 1:1000-1:2000, areal sections and facades 1:500-1:1000.
- The role for non-architecture students: discoveries and recommendations for site design. In which ways could the design area be viewed differently? Through which international examples and on the basis of different ways of thinking could this planning area be viewed in a way that differs in part from the competition programme? Which social and urban policy reasoning would guide the development of alternative spatial plans? What kind of conflicts would alternative perspectives create? – Answers to these topics must be discernible and separately articulated in the final submission material.
To be submitted to Mycourses and in the final critique session as an Adobe Acrobat or MS Powerpoint presentation.
The images must have enough resolution to be printed and published in a newspaper.