ELEC-E8742 - Translational Engineering Forum D, Lecture, 28.9.2021-14.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 14.12.2021 Search Courses: ELEC-E8742
Group Report - 1st version (not graded, only feedback)
Krav för slutförande
Senaste inlämningsdatum: söndag, 14 november 2021, 23:59
One submission per group is sufficient!
Please use the Group Report Template though a high level of individual content is expected as projects are highly
individual. The reports should provide the following:
research / introduction of the problem
of the team and individual roles
charter (objectives, stakeholders, timeline, communication plan, …),
considerations (regulations, standards and certifications)
will be evaluated based on their: technical content, clarity and style of
writing, organization, implementation of the methods covered in the course.
This first version of the report will only receive the feedback, and the second one gets evaluated