MEC-E3001 - Product Development Project V D, Lecture, 15.9.2021-11.5.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 11.05.2022 Etsi kursseja: MEC-E3001
Futurism for Product Development Workshop - Assignment
If you have participated in the Futuring workshop and would like to get one additional credit on PdP's, you should complete the workshop assignment.
Complete the workshop assignment by writing a one-page final report + a visualization of how you see your PDP project/product in 2050.
Think and research carefully about current megatrends and consider possible wild cards that will shape your reality of 2050. Feel free to be creative, to dream and imagine this reality. Flesh it out on a granular level. The report can be in any form (dairy entry, day in the life, news article, etc.).
The final Deadline for your report + visualization is the 1st of February.
Please submit your report and visualization below.