ARTX-C1002 - Digital Design for People, Lecture, 1.11.2021-15.12.2021
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 15.12.2021 Etsi kursseja: ARTX-C1002
Final presentation
The final presentations will take place in Zoom on Wednesday 15th 9:15-14. The main focus is on the Human-Centred Design process.
- Each team to prepare a 15min presentation of the design process
- Compile the story of your DDP project
- Overview of the process with number of user study participants
- What did you do (Miro materials will help here)
- What you learned from each phase, how it influenced the outcome
- Reflection on what you learned
- Show the prototype in action (video)
09:20 1. Recipe editor (Laura, Tiina, Michelle)
09:40 2. Recipe manager (Jessica, Margo, Lilo)
10:00 3. Recipe Browser (Elizabeth, Hitomi, Sasha)
10:20 4. Recipe Search (Satu, Mathilda, Marta)
10:40 Break
10:50 5. Recipe Multiplier (Nici, Leo, Natasa)
11:10 6. Shopping list editor (Lilya, Mariam, Yuzu)
11:30 7. Shopping list mgr (Owein, Katarina, Inga)
11:50 Lunch Break
12:50 8. Shop by a recipe (Saara, Soyoung, Harim)
13:10 9. Home delivery (Wen, Marek, Hanna)