LC-1117 - Integrated Oral and Written Skills (o,w), H13 face-to-face teaching (integrated with PHYS-A0140 TFM), 20.4.2022-3.6.2022
This course space end date is set to 03.06.2022 Search Courses: LC-1117
Article Discussion Activity (Leaders submit your questions here before the discussion)
will organize three article discussions in class. You will be working in
small groups (3-4), discussing the article for 20 minutes.
Article discussion leading: 10 points (+ participation in other 2 discussions in class 10 pts)
The groups
are organized in each meeting and will be different for each discussion day. Everyone
reads the article for each discussion session, but only certain assigned persons will be in charge of leading the article discussion. See the schedule posted below.
The leader prepares for the discussion by creating questions to use
during the discussion and the leaders need to submit these questions
through this submission box prior to class.
ARTICLE DISCUSSION TASK SCHEDULE, mark when you are leading in this link
This division will be organized in class during Session 1.
Discussion 1: Wed 27.04
Discussion 2: Wed 04.05
Discussion 3: Wed 11.05
Article #1: The mystery of the quantum cakes
Article #2: The quantum robin
Article #3: Magnetic sensitivity of cryptochrome 4 from
a migratory songbird
articles cover themes surrounding the course themes in PHYS-A0140. The leader is responsible for leading the discussion on his/her
day. Group members read the article prior to class and come ready to
hold a discussion about it.
Instructions for LEADERS:
Before the session you are leading, read your article. As you read, do the following:
2. Highlight or underline the main ideas. Highlight ideas concepts you may not fully understand.
3. Take notes in the margins and write questions on points you want to bring up in the classroom discussion.
4. Identify the who, what, when and how of the article the best you can. Identify the more complex ideas / concepts that you could also discuss further together.
5. Make note of interesting aspects related to scientific writing that you notice in the article, such as article structure, formal style elements, citations, writing style in general, vocabulary, etc.
As you read ask yourself…
2. What are the main points?
3. What are some of the most important supporting points?
4. Did anything surprise you? What was new to you?
5. Was there something you did not fully understand? What would you like to find more about in order to understand this topic?
and write down the discussion questions you will use to lead the group
discussion. Your discussion should last about 20 minutes.
Leaders: Turn in your prepared discussion questions in MyCourses (Article
Discussion) before the actual discussion + be ready to provide a short
"oral" summary of some aspect of the discussion in class afterwards. (example discussion questions as an attachment here frmo previous years).
Discussing leading means that you are in charge of leading a discussion, in which everybody participates. You do not have to "present" the topic alone or be responsible for the discussion alone. You are just leading it with good questions. Use your prepared discussion questions to aid discussion. A discussion should last about twenty minutes, so it is very important that you come into the discussion prepared. A good discussion leader involves all group members, listens to others and activates the discussion if it seems to die down.
Group members: Read each article before the session and be ready to discuss with others!
In case of illness, check the attached documents:
- missed your article discussion leading because of illness? Check "compensation activities for article discussion" attached
- missed one article discussion participation because of illness? Check "compensation activities for article discussion" attached
--> Submit your audio / videofiles through this assignment box
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