31C99902 - KTK-tutkielmaseminaari, Luento-opetus, 16.5.2022-23.8.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 23.08.2022 Etsi kursseja: 31C99902
Preliminary topic choice (return by 20.5. at 12:00)
Choose a preliminary topic or area of interest for your thesis, and return it to this box. This choice is not yet binding, but helps us proceed with the seminar. You can find some guidance to the choice of topic in “BSc in Economics guide 2021” at the “Materials”-section of the course web-page. Please note that the guide talks about how to find the exact topic, but at this stage, if you cannot yet list an exact topic, you should mention at least an area of interest that you could work on. If you want, you can also mention several topics, but mention first the one that you most likely would pick.
You can write your thesis either in Finnish or English and so you can also write your topic suggestion in either language.