ELEC-L0902 - Introduction to Doctoral Studies D, Lecture, 2.9.2022-28.11.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 28.11.2022 Etsi kursseja: ELEC-L0902
General research skills assignment, for 3 credits
You have several options to choose from, please see below. You can do the assignment alone or in a group of 2-3 persons.
Choose one option and write a reflective essay of approximately 3 pages and return it to MyCourses. Please
use Gibbs' reflective cycle or some other recognized reflective writing
method. You may write one reflective cycle where you reflect on all the
points/topics you want to reflect on, or you may write several small
cycles for the different points/topics you have chosen and reflect on
each point/topic separtely. If you choose the later you may conclude
your reflections in one overall cycle. If using another method than
Gibbs reflective cycle, please provide sources that describe the method.
A New Approach to Research Ethics: Using Guided Dialogue to Strengthen Research Communities (read the Introduction and chapters 1 and 2)
2) Read book:
Mastering Your PhD: Survival and Success in the Doctoral Years and Beyond (read 6 chapters of your choise, approximately 60 pages)
3) Find some other book relevant to a doctoral student. Agree on your book or chapters in a book with the course staff before you start reading.
4) Gather some other relevant information in the internet, through interviews etc and produce a tips collection or other guidance for doctoral students. Agree your topic with course staff before you start.