SCI-A1010 - Introduction Course for Bachelor's students, Lecture, 8.9.2022-16.2.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 16.02.2023 Etsi kursseja: SCI-A1010
Assignment on choosing a minor
Assignment on choosing a minor DL 31 March at 18.00 pm
A minor subject worth 20-25 credits is a compulsory part of the BSc degree. A minor must be related to a subject area and it must form a module that can be named. Minor must be from a different subject field than the major.
1. Familiarise yourself with the different minors in Please note that some minors may be targeted to a specific group of students. You can seek for minors by theme, level, language or target group (availability). As a rule, BSc degree minor must be at a BSc level.
2. Your task is to choose three minors of interest. Think about the following questions: What is interesting about the minors that you have chosen? How they support your major studies and future employment?
3. Write a short report about the subject. Start by introducing yourself and telling your major subject. You can conclude the report by telling what is your preferred choice of minor and why. If you have already chosen a minor, you can use this excercise to tell why you have chosen the specific minor. You should also consider if there are any requirements for taking the minor. Are there any prerequisite courses that you should take as electives before entering the minor? Is there a quota or application process for the minor?
Help with the task:
- BSc level minors in English
- Minors at Aalto University
- Studies at other Finnish universities
- if you are planning to go for exchange, exchange studies abroad can be included in International Studies Minor
- Data Science and Quantum Technology students: SCI3041 International Studies Minor
- Computational Engineering students: ENG3052 International Minor
- Digital Systems and Design students: ELEC3012 International Minor
- Chemical Engineering students: CHEM3020 International Minor