NBE-E4045 - Functional Brain Imaging D, Lecture, 6.9.2022-7.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 07.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: NBE-E4045
Your project plan
Suorituksen vaatimukset
Palautettava viimeistään: perjantaina 16. syyskuuta 2022, 23.59
Submit here the detailed project plan draft as a
single *.pdf document.
Submitting the plan in time is needed so that the course staff can give you feedback before the presentation of your project plans that will be on September 20th.
Your plan should contain the following:
- Background and motivation: a general overview of what has been done in the field of research before and what open question your study aims to address (max. 1 page).
- Experimental design: a description of the stimuli you are planning to use, the presentation sequence, timing, experimental procedure and all other relevant information on the design.
- Hypothesis and analysis
approach: the kind of analysis you plan to perform, and what
kind of experimental effects you expect from the data.
- List of References