Reading materials

2. Material on project topics

2.26. Audio indexing

  • Steve Renals, Dave Abberley, David Kirby, Tony Robinson: Indexing and
    retrieval of broadcast news.
     Speech CommunicationVolume 32, Issues 1-2,
    September 2000, Pages 5-20.
  • John S. Garofolo, Cedric GP Auzanne, Ellen M. Voorhees: The TREC Spoken Document Retrieval Track: A Success Story. In 8th Text Retrieval
    Conference, pages 107--129, Washington, 2000.
  • Chelba, C.; Hazen, T.J.; Saraclar, M.: Retrieval and browsing of spoken content. Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE , vol.25, no.3, pp.39-49, May