MODULE II: Characteristics of energy generation and transmission

Characteristics of power generation and transmission


1. Power markets and hydrogen

Study the lecture materials "Power markets and power generation" and "Power system and transmission" and summarise the main points from each lecture. After this, reflect on the following questions: 

  • How are the power system, markets and transmission related to the hydrogen economy? 
  • What are the main challenges for the power system in the hydrogen transition? Choose a point-of-view or a statement. 

2. Essay based on lecture "Smart grid, sector coupling"

Study the lecture material and then write a small essay about your ideas regarding the discussion topics:

  • How to ensure enough transmission capacity to exchange power, hydrogen and CO2
  • What is the role of flexible demand and supply together with storage
  • How should the energy markets be developed: energy masket à power market, due to high share of zero marginal cost electricity production (in your opinion...)

3.  Assignments related to the lecture “Energy Storage

 3a. Prepare the Mind-map that is instructed in the beginning of the lecture. It’s not the idea that the mind-map is full, but rather your own first idea of the mind-map will be perfect. 

 3b. What role do you see that energy storage, overall, will play in the energy transition?

 3c. What do you see as the strenghts of storing electricity as hydrogen (or it’s derivatives), list 1-2 examples where you think it could be the most useful  as an energy storage.