MODULE I: Energy resources, politics, and the role of hydrogen

Startsida: MyCourses
Kurs: ELEC-E8432 - An Introduction to Hydrogen Economy, Lectures, 3.6.2024-30.8.2024
Bok: MODULE I: Energy resources, politics, and the role of hydrogen
Utskrivet av: Guest user
Datum: onsdag, 17 juli 2024, 16:21

This module discusses global energy resources and related political and economic questions. As you study the module material, reflect on the following questions:

  • Why is hydrogen so much discussed now 
  • What are the hydrogen economy opportunities globally and for Finland
  • What is the history and future of fossil fuels
  • How politics reflect on the hydrogen transition

There is an introduction chapter and three lectures in this module. The introduction chapter has a quiz. Other assignments are at the end of the module. 

You can browse the module by clicking "Next" or from the Table of Contents on the right hand side of the page.

As an introduction to the course, watch the video "Hydrogen: fuel of the future" (The Economist) and answer the quiz

The quiz

The Finnish Hydrogen Landscape
Guest speaker: Simo Säynevirta
Head of ABB Green Electrification ecosystem and chairman of H2 Cluster Finland

Watch Simo Säynevirta's video lecture, and familiarize yourself with the national and EU-level climate goals, the Hydrogen Cluster Finland's white paper "A systemic view to the Finnish Hydrogen economy today and in 2030" as well as the clean hydrogen strategy for Finland. Reflect on these questions
  • What is the role of hydrogen in regard to climate goals
  • What is the Finnish H2 value chain
  • What are Finland’s opportunities to benefit from hydrogen economy
  • How is hydrogen related to the circular economy

Resource materials:

Fossil reserves and energy markets
Lecturer: Energy field manager for Aalto Networking Platform Sam Cross

Contents of the lecture:

  • History of energy consumption and fossil energy production
  • Fossil fuel reserves and resources
  • Differences between oil, coal and gas markets
  • Fossil fuels - markets and demand scenarios
  • EU, US and Finnish gas markets and regulation


Lecture slides to study: 

  • Lecture slides: coal
  • Lecture slides: oil
  • Lecture slides: gas

Politics and the hydrogen transition
Lecturer: Professor Pami Aalto, Tampere University

Contents of the lecture
  • Different scenarios and political influences
  • Effects on prices and demand
  • H2 strategy of the EU
  • How do policies home and abroad influence the hydrogen market?

Lecture materials to study

Assignments (you can find these assignments also in the document in Return box) 

1. Why is Hydrogen discussed so much right now?

  • Find 3-5 recent articles about hydrogen in news media. Write a short essay (1-2 pages) on the topic. Reflect on the news based on the module lectures. Indicate which news articles you read.

2. Fossil reserves and energy markets

Study the "Fossil reserves and energy markets" material and write (1-2 pages) covering the below topics:

2a. Describe the fundamental differences between oil, gas ad coal markets, including the role that their energy density plays in this.

2b. Watch the video about the 1973 oil crisis. Then answer these questions:

  • Why do you think that the oil crisis did not lead to a long term transition away from fossil fuels/energy inefficiency, at least in the US?
  • Was the oil crisis a missed opportunity to make a clean energy transition or was it not enough of a shock? (or can you think of other reasons why the lessons of the crisis were not learnt)

2c. Answer these questions based on individual research on the topic

  •  In the period 2019-2025, key additions in oil supply are foreseen from US, Brazil, Guyana, Iraq, UAE and Canada. Choose two of these, make some of your own research, and briefly summarise/compare how the supply from this country is being increased)
  • Discuss at least 3 of the 10 measures outlined by the IEA in March 2022 for reducing oil use, and whether you think they would be feasible in Finland.

2d. The key gas hub price benchmark in Europe in the TTF. Look up some information about that benchmark. What efforts at EU level are currently being made to control it in the current crisis?

3. The EU H2 strategy 
Download the strategy and write a short essay (1-2 pages) about the importance of this strategy, as guided by Pami Aalto in his lecture. If you are working for some company, take the perspective of this company. Otherwise, take some aspect important to the Finnish economy, that you think appropriate. In your written assignment, cover the following three points

  • Assess which of the goals and aims of the EU strategy correspond to the goals/aims of your own company/organisation
  • What is the role of my company/organisation or unit in company/organization (choose which one) in the implementation of the EU hydrogen strategy? Specify also the main business/activities of your company/unit.
  • How will the implementation of the strategy influence the operating environment of my company? Specify also the main features of the operating environment.