MODULE III: Basics of hydrogen production and storage

Site: MyCourses
Course: ELEC-E8432 - An Introduction to Hydrogen Economy, Lectures, 3.6.2024-30.8.2024
Book: MODULE III: Basics of hydrogen production and storage
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Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 1:47 PM


Module content

Hydrogen must be produced by separating it from the other elements in the molecules where it occurs. Hydrogen can be made from many different sources in different ways. This module discusses

  •  The different hydrogen production technologies and their maturity
  •  Hydrogen cleanness and sustainable hydrogen production
  •  Basic hydrogen chemistry and hydrogen uses in the chemical industry
  •  How hydrogen can be stored and transported

Introduction to hydrogen chemistry

Lecturer: Professor Karoliina Honkala, University of Jyväskylä

Contents of the lecture:
  • Properties of Hydrogen
  • Hydrogen cleanness levels
  • Hydrogen production pathways
  • Current and future uses of Hydrogen

Lecture materials to study:

After studying the material, take the QUIZ

Sustainable Hydrogen production

Lecturer: Professor Riitta Keiski, University of Oulu

  • Finland’s climate policy, opportunities of clean H2 production in Finland, sustainable development goals, clean H2 market
  • How to produce clean and green Hydrogen
  • Conventional Hydrogen production processes
  • Sustainable hydrogen production processes and their maturity


Lecture video

Hydrogen production and distribution

This lecture is based on a Master's thesis by Ahmed Kishk. The thesis was supervised by Professor Anouar Belachen at Aalto University.

The thesis describes 
  • Hydrogen production technologies: from fossil fuels, biomass, renewables and electrolysers
  • Hydrogen storage technologies: compressed, liquefied, cryo-compressed and hydrites
  • Hydrogen transportation: pipelines, shipping and trucks
  • Efficiency in different electrolyser-storage- transportation-end use chains


1. Questions on hydrogen chemistry
Answer the questions based on the lecture "Introduction to hydrogen chemistry and "Sustainable hydrogen production".

  • What is the basic building block of matter?
  • How blue and green hydrogen differ from each other?
  • Why should we and how can we produce green and blue hydrogen?
  • Why does the production of grey hydrogen enhance the climate change?
  • What are the two half reactions that take place during the water splitting and where do they take place? Which one of the reactions control the overall performance of the reaction?
2. Sustainable routes to hydrogen
Based on the lecture "Sustainable hydrogen production", describe what are the most sustainable routes to hydrogen, how mature they are and how their sustainability can be described? You can create a mind map, or other picture or write.

3. Essay
Study the given thesis and write an essay (1-2 pages) where you

  • Compare the overall efficiency in different electrolyser-storage- transportation-end use chains. Compare liquid and gas forms of storage tanks and pipelines.  Give some examples of cases and their overall efficiency from electricity to the end use of energy.
  • Make an estimate in different cases, how big a share of losses is in form on heat. Give your opinion about what shall we do with this extra heat.