MODULE IV: Hydrogen uses

Site: MyCourses
Course: ELEC-E8432 - An Introduction to Hydrogen Economy, Lectures, 3.6.2024-30.8.2024
Book: MODULE IV: Hydrogen uses
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Date: Sunday, 30 June 2024, 12:30 AM


This module discusses the different uses of Hydrogen and the related challenges and risks.

MODULE IV: Hydrogen uses

This module discusses the different uses of Hydrogen and the related challenges and risks. To orientate to the topic, you can watch some presentations from the World Circular Economy Forum. Especially:

Picture source: Hydrogen Cluster Finland, A Clean Hydrogen Strategy for Finland.

The use of hydrogen, Power-to-X, fuels

This lecture is based on a Master's thesis by María Hanako. The thesis was supervised by Professor Anouar Belachen at Aalto University.

The thesis describes:

  • Hydrogen combustion and fuel cells technologies
  • Usage of Hydrogen: Power-to-x (power to gas, power to liquid, power to heat)
  • Hydrogen as fuel in transportation, power generation, industry and buildings
  • Challenges (technical, socio-economical and safety)


Fuel cells with hydrogen technology

Lecturer Risto Mikkonen, Tampere University


  • The Hydrogen boom – why now? Globally and in Finland
  • Fuel cells - steps in Finland and beyond
  • Fuel cells prices and markets
  • Fuel cells structure and operation principles

Lecture materials to study:

After studying the materials, take the QUIZ.

In the first quiz, drag and drop the correct answers to the right columns.

Which of the following statements is not true when speaking about fuel cells?

Hydrogen safety

Lecturer: Adjunct Professor Arto Reiman, University of Oulu

Contents of the lecture:
  • Hydrogen as chemical substance: safety, health hazards and knowledge
  • Hydrogen safety and legal requirements
  • Hydrogen standards
  • Safety issues in the use of hydrogen

Materials to study:

Resource materials

After studying the material, take the QUIZ



1. Essay

Based on the thesis by Maria Hanako, write a sort essay that answers these questions:

  • What is the role of hydrogen and different hydrogen based fuels in energy system and energy use de-carbonization. Give your own estimation. 
  • What are pros and cons of different fuels.

2. Fuel cell types

What are the different applications of fuel cells? Which do you find interesting or potential from your point-of-view? Write a short answer (max 1 page).