LC-1350 - Writing Doctoral Research for Engineering and Science (w) D, Lecture, 1.11.2021-8.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2021 Search Courses: LC-1350
4.1 Criteria of a good paragraph
Completion requirements
Here, the class will share their ideas . . . collectively . . . on what criteria define a good paragraph in English. Your task is to contribute ONE criterion to the list in the Etherpad below. First, read what others have written to prevent duplication. If you have already watched the video related to this activity, you will be familiar with the criteria stated there. And, yes, you can include those in the list - both the broad ideas and the details. You probably also have a few questions related to items not covered in the video, what are they? You can add a question or answer a question instead of writing a criterion. Just remember to include your name at the beginning of your contribution