ELEC-E7410 - Communication transmission lines, Lecture, 20.5.2024-18.6.2024
This course space end date is set to 18.06.2024 Search Courses: ELEC-E7410
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Topic outline
ELEC-E7410 Communication Transmission Lines course will start on Monday 20.5.2023 at 14:15 in lecture hall AS6 (1521-1522), Maarintie 8. There will be four lectures, each including a demo session illustrating or highlighting a specific topic.
Exercise sessions are held in every Tuesday starting from 28.5.2023 at 16:15 in lecture hall AS6 (1521-1522), Maarintie 8. During these meetings you are welcome to participate and discuss exercises or laboratory works.
Laboratory exercises are held in Maarintie 8 laboratory space in 2nd floor room 2535. See the "Laboratory exercises" page for details on the arrangements and schedule.
Welcome to the course!
Introduction to the course File PDF