Topic outline

  • “汉字三”课程介绍 Self-study online course

    Credits: 2 (workload: 2 hours contact teaching + 52 hours independent work)


    程金华 / 050 5747808

    学习目标  This is a supporting course for Chinese 3 course. Students learn approximately 150 new characters and study vocabulary related in Chinese 3 course.

    吃了吗 Chi le ma ? (Kiinan peruskurssi / a course in basic Chinese)
    © 2019 the authors and Otava Publishing Company Ltd. Finn Lectura
    学习内容 Chi le ma chapter 7-9 vocabulary.

     评分标准 Assessment Methods and Criteria:

    1. Self-study
    2. 3 assignments 
    3. and a final examination.
    • Assignments  (50 %)
    • Final exam     (50 %)

    We start the course after the Zoom meeting (NOT mandatory):

    20.01.21      Wednesday 12.15-13.45, Zoom link:


    考试安排  Test arrangement:   

    作业最迟4月27日上传到MyCourses或通过邮件发给老师。 Return and upload the assignments in MyCourses or directly email to the teacher the latest on the test date (27. 4.2021)    

    One important link:
