Planned content of the lecture:

L 5_1
Section 4.13 On stress measures. Paragraph around Eq. (4.90) and Figure 4.12(a).
Section 4.16  Law of balance of momentum for the current material coordinates
Section 4.18 Law of balance of moment of momentum. Page 160 and Eqs (4.145)...(4.149)
Section 5.1 From equilibrium equations to relations between stress resultants for beams. First page, last paragraph of Section 5.1.
Section 5.5  Continuum mechanics in brief. To first two lines on page 197.

L 5_2
Section 5.5  Continuum mechanics in brief. To first two lines on page 197.
Section 5.6  What is continuum thermodynamics?
Section 6.1 Fundamentals of thermostatics and thermodynamics
Section 6.2 Thermostatics

Viimeksi muutettu: lauantaina 21. tammikuuta 2023, 11.02