"The evolution process is subtle, complicated, and invisible. Although the concept is well-known, it is difficult for us to pay attention to things that change gradually over a long period of time".

– Professor Antti Ahlava

This event – a great opportunity to hear architecture students' views, thoughts and visions –  is part of Aalto University's Cooler Planet 2023 programme and is open to the public both in person and online.

Student groups present their work on qualitative evolutionary design for the development of Tervasaari Island in Kruununhaka, Helsinki. The designs have been produced together with students from Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo. The students' works will be freshly finished for this occasion.  

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Meeting ID: 689 2782 8497

Benefits of qualitative evolutionary design for creating value in the built environment

  • We answer to the increasing complexity of the context by simple, flexible and self-organizing [evolutionary] design and planning solutions. 
  • We present qualitative improvements, not replacements.
  • The components can be freely substituted to improve the design: this would be revolutionary in architectural ideology based on preservation!
  • The principle of adaptive reuse is crucial.
  • This is opposite to planned design.


9-9:30 Introduction (Prof. Antti Ahlava)

  • What is qualitative evolutionary architecture? 
  • Introduction to teachers and students
  • Brief on the students' task: Evolutionary architecture for Tervasaari Island
  • Differences to other design methods
  • Possible applications for Tervasaari

9:30-10:30 Students present their work

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:45 Students continue presenting their work

11:45-12:00 End of seminar, conclusions and thanks

Project participants

The seminar and the accompanying study course are part of the Business Finland (and European Commission) funded company collaboration project called Visualising our Future (VOF) at the Department of Architecture at Aalto University. 

  • Full Professor of Emergent Design Methodologies Antti Ahlava, Aalto University, Department of Architecture, Otaniemi, Finland 
  • Full Professor in Public Building Design Fernando Nieto, Tampere University, Department of Architecture, Tampere, Finland https://www.tuni.fi/en/fernando-nieto
  • Royal College of Art, Intelligent Mobility, research fellow Dan Phillips, London, UK
  • SmartVIZ Ltd, London, UK
  • Muuan Oy
  • ALA Architects
  • Sitowise
  • Lukkaroinen Architects
  • Parviainen Architects


Cian Evers
Karolin Kull
Liina Kiviö
Elmo Holopainen
Gideon Oladosu
Tuan Phan
Eeva Rosenqvist
August Stange


Antti Ahlava
Heini-Emilia Saari

Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 13. syyskuuta 2023, 11.35