SCI Master's Thesis Guide 2024
Make a Turnitin submission of your thesis draft
These instructions concern only theses submitted for evaluation, grading, and archiving after 1.1.2025. So if you are submitting your final thesis for evaluation by 31.12.2024, you can ignore these instructions.
Submit your thesis draft to Turnitin to get a similarity report. Do this while writing your thesis and before submitting the final version of your thesis to MyStudies.
The Turnitin similarity report is a summary of any similarities found between your text and comparison databases, including web pages, student papers, library databases and publications. The summary is shown as an overall similarity percentage marked in the report. The similarity percentage by itself does not mean anything; the similarities must be interpreted in the context of the text from academic writing point of view.
Submit your thesis draft to Turnitin to get feedback on your work and to appropriately correct the similar text for the next version to avoid plagiarism and smoothen your final thesis submission. Remember also to discuss and ask feedback on your thesis from your supervisor.
Your thesis draft should contain at least 20 words, must not exceed a maximum file size of 100MB and be a single PDF/A file for successful submission to Turnitin.
Turnitin similarity report will also be generated when you submit your thesis for evaluation. It is a compulsory part of the thesis process and for that reason, learning services highly recommends you to use Turnitin while writing the thesis and before submission.
Learning Services does not monitor whether you have done the Turnitin submission for the thesis draft; you do it for yourself to promote the thesis work and facilitate making the final thesis submission process smoother.
You can get the Turnitin similarity report for your thesis draft and abstract either 1) independently or 2) under your supervisor's supervision.
- Independent Turnitin originality check: In MyCourses workspace Independent Turnitin Originality Check you can submit thesis drafts into Submission: "Luonnokset - Drafts" -box.
- Turnitin usage under supervision: Your supervisor might have a personal MyCourses workspace for thesis supervising; check the list of existing supervisors' workspaces here. Check Turnitin-submission-related instructions for students.
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