MS-C1620 - Statistical inference, 07.01.2019-10.04.2019
This course space end date is set to 10.04.2019 Search Courses: MS-C1620
How to pass this course?
The course grade (0-5) is determined based on the total of exam points (0-24) and exercise points (0-6),
- Total points = exam points + exercise points.
- 15 total points <-> grade 1
- 16 total points <-> grade 2
- 19 total points <-> grade 3
- 22 total points <-> grade 4
- 25 total points <-> grade 5
Additionally, grade 1 is also awarded to those who get 12 points from the exam alone.
Note, especially, that the highest grade (5) can not be obtained without any exercise points. The reason for this is that learning to use R, and learning to conduct statistical analysis in practice are essential learning goals of the course.The exercise points are valid in all exams organized during the year 2019.
You may take with you in the exam your writing equipment and one A4 of hand-written notes. The rules for the note are: size A4, text on one side only, must be hand-written, your name is written on the top right corner of the note.
There are several exercise groups in the course. Please attend one of them weekly and arrive in time in order to get exercise points from the homework.
- Group 1, Mikko Kaivola, Tuesdays 08.01.-12.02. and 26.02.-02.04. at 10.15-12.00 in class Y344.
- Group 2, Jaakko Pere, Tuesdays 08.01.-12.02. and 26.02.-02.04. at 12.15-14.00 in class U257.
- Group 3, Kévin Selänne, Tuesdays 08.01.-12.02. and 26.02.-02.04. at 14.15-16.00 in class U344.
- Group 4, Mikko Kaivola, Wednesdays 09.01.-13.02. and 27.02.-03.04. at 12.15-14.00 in class Y344.
- Group 5, Paavo Raittinen, Fridays 11.01.-15.02. and 01.03.-05.04. at 08.15-10.00 in class U351.
- Group 6, Kévin Selänne, Fridays 11.01.-15.02. and 01.03.-05.04. at 14.15-16.00 in class U344.
- Group 7, Jaakko Pere, Mondays 07.01.-11.02. and 25.02.-01.04. at 16.15-18.00 in class Y344.
Assistant emails are of the form
The course exercises consist of two kinds of problems, homework problems and class problems.
- Homework problems: the first problem(s) of each week's exercise sheet is a homework problem which must be completed before that week's exercise session. Bring your solution to the homework problems with you to the exercise sessions (exception: first week's exercise). In the beginning of the exercise session, the course assistant will randomly ask some people who have solved the homework problem to present their solutions to everyone.
- Class problems: the remaining problems of each week's exercise sheet are class problems that will be solved together in the exercise sessions.
Additionally, some of the homework and class problems are optional. And although no points will be awarded from them, you are still heavily encouraged to go them through.
Exercise points will be awarded from the sessions as follows:- 1/2 exercise points, if you actively attend the exercise session and had completed the week's homework problem.
- 1/4 exercise points, if you actively attend the exercise session but had not completed the week's homework problem.
If none of the exercise group times is suitable for you but you would still like to get the exercise points, contact the head assistant (paavo.raittinen(a) Note that you need an extremely good reason for getting the points without attendance!