Learning outcomes

4.3. Overview of exercise sessions. Intro. to ArchiCAD and Trimble Connect [Suwal]

11.3. Fundamentals of BIM- Lecture [Vishal] + Intro. to algorithmic design [Kane Borg]

18.3. ArchiCAD contd. [Suwal]

25.3. Solibri- classifications, checking, Information take off [Suwal]

1.4. Classifications, checking, information take off, etc (ArchiCAD/ tekla) [Suwal]

8.4. Construction Site visit [Antti]

Main Assignments

Assignment 1: Submit case report (teams of 2-3) on one of the listed case topics (to be provided). Report template (3000-4000 words) will be provided. Teams will supplement the report with references to technical reports and articles.

Submission deadline 22.4.2019

Assignment 2: BIM exercise as a teamwork (teams of 2-3). Submit model, drawings and a brief report (1000 words)

Submission deadline 18.05.2019


Exam- 45% (25-30/45 from material on slides, rest from mandatory reading materials)

Completion of all exercise sessions- 25% (5/25 on timely completion and attendance)

Assignment 1: 10%

Assignment 2: 20%

Grading: 5 (>85), 4 (75-84), 3 (65-74), 2 (55-64), 1 (45-54), Fail (<45)

Senast redigerad: torsdag, 28 februari 2019, 09:09