
Maximum points 30

Penalty points 1 per day will be subtracted after the final grading

Design meeting

Design meeting with your assistant helps you to plan your project and write your document to match course requirements. All groups must attend the meeting, but no points are given.

Things to discuss in the meeting with your assistant, please prepare!
  • Present your idea

  • Bring all material you already have

  • Ask for feedback and make use of it

  • Possibility to ask if anything is unclear

  • Submit extra assignments to get feedback

Design document (max 30 points)

Design document should contain a thorough plan about all aspects of your future web service, which you will implement during this course. Please use the following breakdown to structure your document.

  • General description (idea) of the project (3 p)

    • Main functionality of the service

    • Existing competitors / predecessor of the service

  • User groups and use cases (5 p)

    • User groups

    • Personas

    • Most important scenarios and use cases

  • Content (4 p)

    • Chart of the structure of the site

    • Describe each page / page type

    • Production and maintenance process

    • Copyrights

  • User interface (4 p)

    • Sketches and descriptions of the UI

    • Navigation and Interaction

    • Fonts and colors

  • Technologies and architecture (4 p)

    • Describe your dynamic functionalities

    • Describe your technology choice

    • Describe the architecture and structure of the database (use images)

    • Security

  • Project design (5 p)

    • Breakdown structure for the project

    • Estimates how much time each task will take

    • Prioritize tasks

    • Preliminary schedule for the project

    • Responsibilities for each group member

  • Focus area (3 p)

    • Put more effort on the selected area, three extra points are assigned to your selected focus area

  • Overall impression (2 p)

    • Readability

    • Follow formatting guidelines

Formatting guidelines for the document:
  • Cover page

    • Course code

    • Topic (group name)

    • Phase

    • Focus area

    • Members of the group: name, student number, email

  • Table of contents

  • Page numbering

  • Use charts, tables and images when suitable, browsing the document should be easy for the reader!   

If you have any questions about the design document requirements, contact your own assistant by email before the deadline!

Submission and feedback


Submit your design document to MyCourses before the deadline.

Document should be in PDF-format.

1 penalty points per day for being late, subtracted from the final count!


Assistants will send you feedback and points by email after couple of weeks.

Make use of the written feedback, do changes accordingly to demo and final phase.

If you have any questions, please contact your own assistant by email.

Senast redigerad: måndag, 22 april 2019, 11:42