Dear Alive Dead Media students,

there are a few practical things you will need to look at before the workshop so we do not lose a lot of time installing things during our session on 21 May. Please go through the list of softwares on this page and make sure you have PURE DATA, OSCILLOSCOPE, and one AUDIO CONNECTION software.


Please install the newest Pure Data Vanilla from the following location. Note that Pd Extended or Purr Data will not run everything required properly.

Then please download my Vector Synthesis library from GitHub (using "clone or download" button), and save it somewhere easy to locate on your computer. I am updating this library a lot so you should probably do this close to the course date ;-)


Please visit the following page and download the Oscilloscope software for your operating system. Sadly, there is no functioning Linux version.


Please download and install the following:

MOJAVE NOTE: Be extra careful installing Soundflower on OSX Mojave, since you need to add the developer to your security settings. HOLD CTL KEY DOWN to open Soundflower.pkg installer for the first time, then follow these instructions:

You can also use this if you have Brew installed (you may still have to allow the kernel extension in your security settings):

    brew cask install soundflower

Then follow these instructions:


Please download and install the following:

Then follow these instructions:


If you want to be ahead of the game already before you get to the workshop (and who doesn't???), check out some of Jerobeam Fenderson's YouTube tutorials on Oscilloscope Music:

And you can also check out some of my audiovisual vector graphics here:

Please let me know if you run into any trouble or have any questions with all this, and I look forward to seeing you soon.


Senast redigerad: fredag, 26 april 2019, 16:18