LC-1350 - Writing Doctoral Research for Engineering and Science (w) D, Lecture, 1.11.2021-8.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2021 Search Courses: LC-1350
4.2 Paragraph structure (materials)
Completion requirements
A. What is the structure of a typical paragraph?
Animated video 1 (3 min)
Animated video 2 (3:49 min)
B. What is a topic sentence? And, what do I need to consider when writing one?
- This link provides an overview of topic sentences.
- To learn about this, complete the quizzes - which begin with instructional videos on this topic. The first quiz covers writing effective topic sentences and the second one introduces three types of topic sentences.
C. Paragraphs, flow and connectivity
- This prezi presentation provides a nice overview of paragraphs and considers flow and connectivity.
- This site elaborates the controlling idea of a topic sentence, and introduces some ways to develop a body paragraph. It also covers concluding sentences.
D. Complete and submit the writing assignment: 4.2
Last modified: Thursday, 18 March 2021, 9:41 AM