LC-1350 - Writing Doctoral Research for Engineering and Science (w) D, Lecture, 1.11.2021-8.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2021 Search Courses: LC-1350
7 Language checking tools (materials)
Completion requirements
Check structures in context
- Writefull - A free app that analyzes the phrases you use as a way to improve writing. This link goes to the tutorial page.
- Lextutor concordancer - A concordancer is a kind of search engine designed for language study. When you enter a word, it looks through a large body of texts, called a corpus, and then lists every single example of the word. This lets you look at a word in context, see how common it is, see the style associated with it.
Work with words
- - Great for finding synonyms and antonyms
- - A visual dictionary and thesaurus with interactive lexicon
- Webword - A dictionary and thesaurus for American, British, Canadian, Australian, Indian, and global English. Free, but requires downloading.
- MOT - Available to Aalto students. A dictionary and terms, translation, proofreading
Check grammar and spelling
- Language tool - A free tool that identifies many grammatical and stylistic issues that go beyond a spell checker
- Grammarly - A free spell checker that works in documents, emails, browsers, and so on.
- Digital writing tools: Spelling, grammar, and style checkers - A resource page that explores popular spelling, grammar, and style checking tools.
Last modified: Saturday, 14 November 2020, 9:40 PM