Here is some important information about the course:

  1. There will be no traditional exam for this 5 credit course.
  2. The assessment is either "Pass" or "Fail".
  3. To pass the course, you need to complete at least half of all the assignments on time + the last "Oral quiz recording" (it is actually a voice recording exercise on a given topic, done by yourself at your own time at week 49).
  4. The teachers will not give you personal feedback on the assignments. Possible feedback will be given collectively when necessary.
  5. Consultation chances for your possible questions will be arranged during the later period of the course.
  6. Hai Guo will be in charge of the beginning and the first 5 lessons of the course, and Cheng Jinhua the last five lessons and the "Oral quiz".

Here is the schedule of our course:

Week 40: Lesson1
Week 41: Lesson 2
Week 42: Autumn break (no teaching)
Week 43: Lesson 3
Week 44: Lesson 4
Week 45: Lesson 5
Week 46: Lesson 6
Week 47: Lesson 7
Week 48: Lesson 8
Week 49: Lesson 9 (Update the "Oral quiz recording")
Week 50: Lesson 10 Final week + feedback to the teacher

Senast redigerad: fredag, 16 april 2021, 20:01