TU-L0022 - Statistical Research Methods D, Lecture, 25.10.2022-29.3.2023
This course space end date is set to 29.03.2023 Search Courses: TU-L0022
Stata YouTube channel
Videos from Stata YouTube channel that are relevant for this unit.
Data management
Data management: How to merge files into a single dataset
Data management: How to reshape data from long format to wide format
Data management: How to reshape data from wide format to long format
Data management: How to identify and remove duplicate observations
Marginal effects and marginal effect plots
Introduction to margins in Stata(r), part 1: Categorical variables
Introduction to factor variables in Stata(r), part 2: Interactions
Introduction to factor variables in Stata(r), part 3: More interactions
Profile plots and interaction plots in Stata(r): A single categorical variable
Profile plots and interaction plots in Stata(r): A single continuous variable
Profile plots and interaction plots in Stata(r): Interactions of categorical variables
Profile plots and interaction plots in Stata(r): Interactions of categorical and continuous variables
Factor variables (i.e. dummy coding, interactions)
Introduction to factor variables in Stata(r), part 1: The basics
Introduction to factor variables in Stata(r), part 2: Interactions
Introduction to factor variables in Stata(r), part 3: More interactions