First, in case you're not familiar with GIS software, we recommend that you do a bit of self-study before trying to start the first assignment. Otherwise jumping straight into the assignments can be quite a challenge. 

There are different kinds of introductions to what is GIS in the first place. For example, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has made a brief definition and description of the very basics: A more thorough and at times a bit humoristic beginner's guide to GIS has been written by mango map:

On this course we will use the free and open source QGIS softwareIn addition, we will use the 3DF Zephyr Free software in one assignment. All software are available in a large number of Aalto classrooms (Maari C-D-E, and Otakaari 1 A046A and A046, U257, and U351). You can also download and install QGIS and 3DF Zephyr Free to your own computer without any restrictions,.

In addition to the classrooms mentioned above, QGIS is available at Architecture Valimo, ARTS Väre J302, K301, and L208, A202b, A229, A235, Y338, and Tietotie 1E 229.

3DF Zephyr is also available at all Maari classrooms, U256, U344, Y344, and 316 Connor.

QGIS learning material is available at the QGIS website. There's a training manual as well as other learning materials available. Going through the training manual will give you a good starting point for using QIGS on the course.

The 3DF Zephyr Free software can be downloaded at

Senast redigerad: måndag, 9 januari 2023, 09:59