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3.4444094281071997`*^9}, { 3.4444094976988*^9, 3.4444095275104*^9}, {3.444409611064*^9, 3.4444096125772*^9}, 3.4444098504616003`*^9, {3.444409913392*^9, 3.4444099166056004`*^9}, 3.4444100178496*^9, {3.4444103063248*^9, 3.4444103358712*^9}, {3.4444103868208*^9, 3.4444104432460003`*^9}, { 3.4444921219564*^9, 3.4444921256224003`*^9}, {3.444492194824*^9, 3.4444921973668003`*^9}, {3.4444922814351997`*^9, 3.4444922853508*^9}, { 3.4444923330868*^9, 3.4444923345844*^9}, {3.444492366424*^9, 3.4444923855808*^9}, {3.4453153475226*^9, 3.445315360689*^9}, { 3.4465518166373653`*^9, 3.446551863016165*^9}, {3.446551894231765*^9, 3.446552159384965*^9}, {3.446552232377365*^9, 3.4465522555589647`*^9}, { 3.446553347388365*^9, 3.4465533616155653`*^9}, {3.4466058525769997`*^9, 3.4466058529046*^9}, {3.4466064371219997`*^9, 3.4466065097244*^9}, { 3.4466127725788*^9, 3.4466127766036*^9}, {3.4466128124835997`*^9, 3.4466130037864*^9}, {3.4466131532696*^9, 3.4466131761703997`*^9}, { 3.4466133992192*^9, 3.4466134478756*^9}, {3.446613483584*^9, 3.4466134932092*^9}, {3.4466135740952*^9, 3.4466135794927998`*^9}, { 3.4466137283948*^9, 3.4466137341356*^9}, {3.4466138994342003`*^9, 3.4466139023826*^9}, {3.4466139549858*^9, 3.4466139579653997`*^9}, { 3.4466142109818*^9, 3.4466142245226*^9}, {3.4466142793878*^9, 3.4466143652033997`*^9}, {3.4466144712834*^9, 3.4466145978929996`*^9}, { 3.4466146992618*^9, 3.4466147509914*^9}, {3.4466151283086*^9, 3.4466152768986*^9}, {3.4466153107506*^9, 3.4466153406558*^9}, { 3.4466194331976*^9, 3.4466194377528*^9}, {3.4466194847712*^9, 3.446619488718*^9}, {3.4466389495861998`*^9, 3.4466389768238*^9}, { 3.4466391218414*^9, 3.446639306561*^9}, {3.4466393990222*^9, 3.4466394004886*^9}, {3.4466394475694*^9, 3.4466394487706003`*^9}, { 3.4466395034174*^9, 3.4466395049462*^9}, 3.4466395515755997`*^9, { 3.4466396000176*^9, 3.4466396190808*^9}, {3.4466397459088*^9, 3.446639748826*^9}, {3.4466397974356003`*^9, 3.446639798668*^9}, 3.4466398447816*^9, {3.446639894218*^9, 3.4466399201556*^9}, { 3.4466399570964003`*^9, 3.4466399583288*^9}, {3.446639994006*^9, 3.4466400056904*^9}, {3.4466400383568*^9, 3.4466400395892*^9}, { 3.4466400745643997`*^9, 3.4466401025976*^9}, {3.4466401660834*^9, 3.4466401806070004`*^9}, {3.4466402251294003`*^9, 3.446640227407*^9}, { 3.446640260479*^9, 3.4466402657674*^9}, {3.4466404133122*^9, 3.4466405185654*^9}, 3.4466405830462*^9, {3.4467273294214*^9, 3.4467273777813997`*^9}, {3.4467274366558*^9, 3.4467275620954*^9}, { 3.446727593311*^9, 3.4467277412614*^9}, {3.4467283334639997`*^9, 3.4467283356012*^9}, {3.4467283707636003`*^9, 3.4467283727604*^9}, { 3.4467289882664003`*^9, 3.4467291276836*^9}, {3.446778464322*^9, 3.4467786797424*^9}, {3.4467801953803997`*^9, 3.4467802409792*^9}, { 3.4467802998691998`*^9, 3.4467804023456*^9}, 3.4467804345596*^9, { 3.4467808656344*^9, 3.4467808670852003`*^9}, 3.4467818107525997`*^9, { 3.446781855509*^9, 3.446781874385*^9}, {3.4467826737914*^9, 3.4467827381726*^9}, {3.4467828623018*^9, 3.4467831045386*^9}, { 3.4470344113984003`*^9, 3.4470344123344*^9}, {3.4470344628316*^9, 3.4470345343108*^9}, {3.447043591118539*^9, 3.447043642192939*^9}, { 3.447045649625739*^9, 3.447045718437339*^9}, {3.447054774023939*^9, 3.447054834198939*^9}, {3.4470549103449388`*^9, 3.4470549116169386`*^9}, { 3.447054943902939*^9, 3.4470553027109385`*^9}, {3.447055334559939*^9, 3.447055353684939*^9}, {3.447057311918539*^9, 3.447057369747739*^9}, { 3.4470575058577385`*^9, 3.4470575951365385`*^9}, {3.4470581848789387`*^9, 3.4470582040825386`*^9}, {3.451276121243*^9, 3.4512761425838003`*^9}, { 3.4512762022382*^9, 3.4512762064346*^9}, {3.4512762476966*^9, 3.4512762827654*^9}, {3.451276489091*^9, 3.451276541975*^9}, { 3.4512765853118*^9, 3.4512766132046003`*^9}, {3.4512773470306*^9, 3.4512773766082*^9}, {3.4512776069110003`*^9, 3.4512777499318*^9}, 3.4512777831286*^9, {3.4512778785538*^9, 3.451277881627*^9}, { 3.4512780242734003`*^9, 3.4512780302794*^9}, 3.4512780737878*^9, { 3.4512781866226*^9, 3.4512781930810003`*^9}, {3.4512863325078*^9, 3.4512863539266*^9}, {3.4568019250434*^9, 3.4568022712698*^9}, { 3.4568023177422*^9, 3.4568024125278*^9}, {3.4568024694365997`*^9, 3.4568024750369997`*^9}, {3.4568026914402*^9, 3.4568028101094*^9}, { 3.4568028406698*^9, 3.4568028564726*^9}, 3.4568028886085997`*^9, { 3.4568030489454*^9, 3.4568030800986*^9}, 3.4568032004128*^9, { 3.4568035073698*^9, 3.4568035176034*^9}, {3.4568040146596003`*^9, 3.4568040844852*^9}, {3.4568043016684*^9, 3.4568043154744*^9}, { 3.4568045482264*^9, 3.4568045486632*^9}, {3.4568048944996*^9, 3.4568049806116*^9}, {3.4660560628582*^9, 3.4660560753538*^9}, { 3.4660676729379997`*^9, 3.4660676735931997`*^9}, {3.4660677244024*^9, 3.4660677277251997`*^9}, {3.4742646771287394`*^9, 3.47426469439174*^9}, { 3.47426489921974*^9, 3.4742649800437393`*^9}, {3.4801246373348*^9, 3.4801246860536003`*^9}, {3.4801247748176003`*^9, 3.4801247821028*^9}, { 3.4801248161264*^9, 3.4801248295736*^9}, {3.4801248810692*^9, 3.4801248964508*^9}, {3.4801249330484*^9, 3.480124947884*^9}, 3.4801249886468*^9, {3.4801251139147997`*^9, 3.48012512588*^9}, { 3.4838339444988003`*^9, 3.4838339567448*^9}, 3.4838341692012*^9, { 3.4838344350408*^9, 3.4838344353684*^9}, {3.4938987575920324`*^9, 3.4938987586840324`*^9}, {3.4941630624049997`*^9, 3.4941631381274*^9}, { 3.4941632311345997`*^9, 3.4941632492306004`*^9}, 3.4941633249217997`*^9, { 3.4941633940922003`*^9, 3.4941634063538*^9}, {3.4941634538402*^9, 3.4941635051642*^9}, {3.494163565115*^9, 3.4941636341762*^9}, { 3.4941636853442*^9, 3.4941639323234*^9}, {3.4941640277798*^9, 3.4941641455754004`*^9}, {3.4941641790374002`*^9, 3.4941641803789997`*^9}, {3.4941642676142*^9, 3.4941643277678003`*^9}, 3.4941644677018003`*^9, {3.4941646208938*^9, 3.4941646322349997`*^9}, { 3.4941652592693996`*^9, 3.4941652807194*^9}, {3.4941653119038*^9, 3.494165416299*^9}, {3.494165453895*^9, 3.4941654544722*^9}, { 3.4950990979779997`*^9, 3.495099142701*^9}, {3.495099172958*^9, 3.4950991806289997`*^9}, {3.495099227097*^9, 3.495099238113*^9}, 3.495099290797*^9, {3.495099346084*^9, 3.495099359507*^9}, { 3.495099456308*^9, 3.495099464091*^9}, 3.495099683108*^9, { 3.495100428112*^9, 3.495100434958*^9}, {3.4951006496219997`*^9, 3.495100649992*^9}, {3.4987235265018*^9, 3.4987235939094*^9}, { 3.4987236420666*^9, 3.4987236530646*^9}, {3.4987237305341997`*^9, 3.4987237396914*^9}, {3.498733136159*^9, 3.4987332972446003`*^9}, { 3.4987364783094*^9, 3.4987364860626*^9}, {3.4987366201134*^9, 3.4987366236078*^9}, {3.4987367272386*^9, 3.4987367464890003`*^9}, { 3.4987369428462*^9, 3.4987369670886*^9}, {3.4987370134518003`*^9, 3.4987370259941998`*^9}, {3.4987370944002*^9, 3.4987371027618*^9}, { 3.4987371921029997`*^9, 3.498737193663*^9}, {3.4987372660938*^9, 3.4987372935498*^9}, {3.4987373290554*^9, 3.4987377176202*^9}, { 3.4987377520182*^9, 3.4987379139462*^9}, {3.4987382030216*^9, 3.4987382667078*^9}, {3.4987888391818*^9, 3.4987888608346*^9}, { 3.4988785131146*^9, 3.4988785160162*^9}, {3.5007170967096*^9, 3.5007170999076*^9}, 3.5007182237316*^9, {3.5007182772864*^9, 3.5007182987832003`*^9}, {3.5009573226744003`*^9, 3.5009573940444*^9}, 3.5009574358710003`*^9, 3.5009604278482*^9, {3.5009897246173353`*^9, 3.5009898480289354`*^9}, {3.5009901464413357`*^9, 3.5009901475333357`*^9}, {3.5009901801997356`*^9, 3.500990274096135*^9}, { 3.5010475253292*^9, 3.5010475852332*^9}, {3.5010605722018003`*^9, 3.5010606739762*^9}, {3.5010607202146*^9, 3.5010607323358*^9}, { 3.5010607920526*^9, 3.501061118467*^9}, {3.5010612022078*^9, 3.5010612277138*^9}, {3.5010616467766*^9, 3.5010617938534*^9}, { 3.5010618406222*^9, 3.5010619950778*^9}, {3.5010621500638*^9, 3.5010622514014*^9}, {3.5010625292218*^9, 3.5010625409374*^9}, { 3.5010626043046*^9, 3.5010626313862*^9}, {3.5010626787166*^9, 3.5010626790754004`*^9}, {3.501074457561*^9, 3.5010744671082*^9}, 3.5010763029458*^9, {3.5032210899309998`*^9, 3.5032212413900003`*^9}, { 3.557658203404973*^9, 3.557658219644601*^9}, {3.5576584433801947`*^9, 3.557658496030287*^9}, {3.5576585501779823`*^9, 3.5576586046064777`*^9}, { 3.557658648910555*^9, 3.557658754600741*^9}, {3.557658963945511*^9, 3.5576589782507353`*^9}, {3.557659009949991*^9, 3.5576591437514267`*^9}, { 3.557659182221094*^9, 3.5576592187719584`*^9}, 3.557659413865901*^9, { 3.557659921100792*^9, 3.5576599556392527`*^9}, {3.557660706920972*^9, 3.5576607248454037`*^9}, {3.557661209085854*^9, 3.557661209413454*^9}, { 3.5577526651911488`*^9, 3.5577526932087984`*^9}, {3.5577527272480583`*^9, 3.557752747122493*^9}, {3.5577528374934516`*^9, 3.557752838523053*^9}, { 3.557752881204728*^9, 3.557752891313546*^9}, {3.557752938612829*^9, 3.5577529469120436`*^9}, {3.557753060714244*^9, 3.557753062633047*^9}, { 3.5577536609544907`*^9, 3.5577536637936954`*^9}, {3.5577537824631042`*^9, 3.557753810184353*^9}, {3.557753841025607*^9, 3.5577540648392*^9}, 3.5577541920574236`*^9, {3.5577547033327217`*^9, 3.557754716967146*^9}, { 3.5577547716296415`*^9, 3.557754802112095*^9}, {3.5577549509363565`*^9, 3.5577549771444025`*^9}, 3.5577551382302856`*^9, {3.55775527184452*^9, 3.557755272858522*^9}, {3.557755881555991*^9, 3.557755886548*^9}, { 3.557756158316077*^9, 3.557756231885806*^9}, {3.5577572408487787`*^9, 3.557757248835993*^9}, {3.5577572834368534`*^9, 3.5577575888229895`*^9}, { 3.5577578129641833`*^9, 3.557757862837471*^9}, {3.557758025514557*^9, 3.557758079272251*^9}, 3.557810586960072*^9, {3.5578240262005973`*^9, 3.5578240345360737`*^9}, {3.557824091429328*^9, 3.5578241008156557`*^9}, { 3.557831525255726*^9, 3.5578315319793377`*^9}, 3.5578315716190076`*^9, { 3.557831606079468*^9, 3.557831629432709*^9}, {3.5578316663267736`*^9, 3.5578317569473333`*^9}, {3.5578322144181366`*^9, 3.557832218084143*^9}, { 3.557836356693412*^9, 3.557836473771618*^9}, {3.5578365201660995`*^9, 3.5578365974018345`*^9}, {3.5578366426731143`*^9, 3.557836658865943*^9}, { 3.557836691017599*^9, 3.5578367924957776`*^9}, {3.5578368305442443`*^9, 3.557836888279946*^9}, {3.5578369382156334`*^9, 3.5578370776642785`*^9}, { 3.5578383536061196`*^9, 3.5578383735117545`*^9}, {3.5578385892445335`*^9, 3.5578385978869486`*^9}, {3.5578386713006773`*^9, 3.557838700113928*^9}, { 3.5578387451200075`*^9, 3.5578387467892103`*^9}, {3.5578388951454706`*^9, 3.5578389248635225`*^9}, {3.5578389679351983`*^9, 3.557838983535226*^9}, { 3.5578390227692947`*^9, 3.557839023143696*^9}, {3.557839097696226*^9, 3.5578391125162525`*^9}, {3.5578391553539276`*^9, 3.557839199892006*^9}, { 3.55783924184048*^9, 3.557839294490572*^9}, {3.5578393285922318`*^9, 3.557839398683155*^9}, {3.557839430522811*^9, 3.557839470162481*^9}, { 3.5578395370865984`*^9, 3.5578395446994114`*^9}, {3.5578396068499207`*^9, 3.5578396118575296`*^9}, 3.5578943518105097`*^9, {3.557894388361374*^9, 3.5578944029629993`*^9}, {3.5578944607611012`*^9, 3.5578944989499683`*^9}, {3.5578945393696394`*^9, 3.557894561537278*^9}, { 3.5578946028617506`*^9, 3.5578946188985786`*^9}, {3.557894650894235*^9, 3.5578947812636642`*^9}, {3.55789481884413*^9, 3.5578948191249304`*^9}, { 3.5578949768100076`*^9, 3.5578949836272197`*^9}, {3.5578967386805477`*^9, 3.55789678549623*^9}, {3.5578968804691963`*^9, 3.557896888643611*^9}, { 3.557897022491846*^9, 3.5578970341450663`*^9}, {3.557897620940097*^9, 3.55789765120415*^9}, {3.5579218072271147`*^9, 3.5579218263059483`*^9}, { 3.557922095312821*^9, 3.557922116965659*^9}, {3.557922178086566*^9, 3.557922188616585*^9}, {3.5579223258812256`*^9, 3.557922327066828*^9}, { 3.5579224596046605`*^9, 3.557922461804264*^9}, 3.5579805928465395`*^9, { 3.5579815200581703`*^9, 3.557981541711009*^9}, 3.557985544779242*^9, { 3.5579863164793987`*^9, 3.5579863339514294`*^9}, {3.557986523210962*^9, 3.557986568841042*^9}, 3.5579866122559185`*^9, 3.557986993536188*^9, { 3.5579871244716187`*^9, 3.5579871290580263`*^9}, 3.557987173486905*^9, 3.5579872166989803`*^9, {3.5599618621582537`*^9, 3.5599618642486577`*^9}, { 3.559961969720443*^9, 3.5599619894700775`*^9}, 3.559963611089726*^9, { 3.5601298891258235`*^9, 3.560129889422224*^9}, {3.560132445157113*^9, 3.5601324458591146`*^9}, {3.561978472080926*^9, 3.561978472392926*^9}, { 3.6297802564412937`*^9, 3.6297802957377625`*^9}, {3.62978033369263*^9, 3.629780429741998*^9}, {3.6297805790030603`*^9, 3.6297809429048996`*^9}, { 3.629780987957779*^9, 3.629781197575347*^9}, {3.629781240397422*^9, 3.629781337663593*^9}, {3.6297813946972933`*^9, 3.6297814529165955`*^9}, { 3.6297814952550697`*^9, 3.629781527578326*^9}, {3.62978162025529*^9, 3.629781647633338*^9}, {3.629781678833393*^9, 3.629781763120341*^9}, 3.6297818028224106`*^9, {3.6297818432108817`*^9, 3.629781872570133*^9}, { 3.629782355765382*^9, 3.629782427603508*^9}, {3.6297824692243814`*^9, 3.629782674863942*^9}, {3.629782707218399*^9, 3.6297829295343895`*^9}, { 3.629783005631323*^9, 3.6297830574702144`*^9}, {3.6297831098551064`*^9, 3.629783142786764*^9}, {3.629783433711675*^9, 3.629783442619291*^9}, { 3.6297834942397814`*^9, 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{3.6349054472556844`*^9, 3.63490544787272*^9}, { 3.634905483492757*^9, 3.6349055164646425`*^9}, {3.634905574352954*^9, 3.634905628121029*^9}, {3.6349057012822137`*^9, 3.6349057207913294`*^9}, { 3.6349061371061416`*^9, 3.634906354438572*^9}, {3.6349063890455513`*^9, 3.6349064369332905`*^9}, {3.634906537696054*^9, 3.634906601859724*^9}, 3.634906706128688*^9, {3.6349069249442034`*^9, 3.6349069328326545`*^9}, { 3.6349070151973653`*^9, 3.6349070242298822`*^9}, {3.6349070817921743`*^9, 3.6349070822111983`*^9}, {3.634907723288866*^9, 3.634907739005765*^9}, { 3.6349079580732946`*^9, 3.6349079868219395`*^9}, {3.634908200284148*^9, 3.634908315195721*^9}, {3.6349083774582825`*^9, 3.6349084027997313`*^9}, { 3.63490844507615*^9, 3.634908448843365*^9}, {3.634914956333157*^9, 3.634915020054802*^9}, {3.634915050572547*^9, 3.6349150956171236`*^9}, { 3.6349539785771523`*^9, 3.634953978975175*^9}, {3.6349540728785458`*^9, 3.6349541681829967`*^9}, {3.634954211263461*^9, 3.6349542495746527`*^9}, { 3.6349543251259737`*^9, 3.634954355882733*^9}, {3.6349543892536416`*^9, 3.6349544742835045`*^9}, {3.634954547519694*^9, 3.6349545640246377`*^9}, { 3.6349547051657104`*^9, 3.6349547107930326`*^9}, {3.634954745355009*^9, 3.634954752101395*^9}, {3.6349547948858423`*^9, 3.6349548053894434`*^9}, { 3.634954904907135*^9, 3.6349549451084347`*^9}, {3.634955219605135*^9, 3.6349552640926795`*^9}, {3.634955320189888*^9, 3.634955348763522*^9}, { 3.634955386393675*^9, 3.6349555039273973`*^9}, {3.6349557669644423`*^9, 3.6349557672004557`*^9}, {3.634955894841756*^9, 3.634955902578199*^9}, { 3.6349559513739896`*^9, 3.6349560216320086`*^9}, {3.634956120144643*^9, 3.634956128996149*^9}, {3.6349561700724983`*^9, 3.6349561978900895`*^9}, { 3.6349562480719595`*^9, 3.634956254326318*^9}, {3.634956331684742*^9, 3.6349563460575643`*^9}, {3.634956379242462*^9, 3.63495642676418*^9}, 3.6349564696636343`*^9, {3.6351524116477795`*^9, 3.6351524153379908`*^9}, { 3.6352134400282927`*^9, 3.635213442148414*^9}, {3.6352134745862694`*^9, 3.635213495869487*^9}, {3.6352135383409157`*^9, 3.6352137157160616`*^9}, { 3.6352137493569856`*^9, 3.635213764522853*^9}, {3.635214215036621*^9, 3.635214227593339*^9}, {3.635214407257615*^9, 3.63521441713218*^9}, { 3.635215297101512*^9, 3.635215303964904*^9}, {3.6352154111120324`*^9, 3.635215431504199*^9}, {3.635216346055508*^9, 3.635216494371991*^9}, { 3.635216631050809*^9, 3.6352166603244834`*^9}, {3.635216763034358*^9, 3.635216764164423*^9}, {3.6352168771938877`*^9, 3.635216888828553*^9}, 3.6352169832479534`*^9, 3.635217037668066*^9, {3.6352172024924936`*^9, 3.6352172054526625`*^9}, {3.635217344025589*^9, 3.635217346898753*^9}, 3.6352173863770113`*^9, {3.635217519639633*^9, 3.6352175507014103`*^9}, 3.635217615445113*^9, {3.6352178715087595`*^9, 3.635217880460271*^9}, { 3.6352185912849283`*^9, 3.635218598444338*^9}, {3.6352186995721216`*^9, 3.635218714955002*^9}, {3.6352189761749425`*^9, 3.6352189789341*^9}, { 3.6352195060322485`*^9, 3.635219509972474*^9}, 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3.5010626043046*^9, 3.5010626313862*^9}, {3.5010626787166*^9, 3.5010626790754004`*^9}, {3.501074457561*^9, 3.5010744671082*^9}, 3.5010763029458*^9, {3.5032210899309998`*^9, 3.5032212413900003`*^9}, { 3.557658203404973*^9, 3.557658219644601*^9}, {3.5576584433801947`*^9, 3.557658496030287*^9}, {3.5576585501779823`*^9, 3.5576586046064777`*^9}, { 3.557658648910555*^9, 3.557658754600741*^9}, {3.557658963945511*^9, 3.5576589782507353`*^9}, {3.557659009949991*^9, 3.5576591437514267`*^9}, { 3.557659182221094*^9, 3.5576592187719584`*^9}, 3.557659413865901*^9, { 3.557659921100792*^9, 3.5576599556392527`*^9}, {3.557660706920972*^9, 3.5576607248454037`*^9}, {3.557661209085854*^9, 3.557661209413454*^9}, { 3.5577526651911488`*^9, 3.5577526932087984`*^9}, {3.5577527272480583`*^9, 3.557752747122493*^9}, {3.5577528374934516`*^9, 3.557752838523053*^9}, { 3.557752881204728*^9, 3.557752891313546*^9}, {3.557752938612829*^9, 3.5577529469120436`*^9}, {3.557753060714244*^9, 3.557753062633047*^9}, { 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{3.6297877681812544`*^9, 3.629787774015665*^9}, {3.629787831408166*^9, 3.6297878355265727`*^9}, { 3.6297878775686464`*^9, 3.6297878861174617`*^9}, {3.6297879185343184`*^9, 3.629787919064719*^9}, {3.6297880043032694`*^9, 3.62978800470887*^9}, 3.6297880488257475`*^9, {3.6297882100052304`*^9, 3.6297882174776435`*^9}, { 3.6297882697533355`*^9, 3.6297882948381796`*^9}, {3.6297883467550707`*^9, 3.6297883991087627`*^9}, {3.6297887361785545`*^9, 3.629788783961438*^9}, 3.629788825395111*^9, {3.629789006152629*^9, 3.6297890321266747`*^9}, { 3.6297891133248167`*^9, 3.629789145336073*^9}, {3.6297891926821566`*^9, 3.629789194257759*^9}, {3.629789255316266*^9, 3.6297892556282673`*^9}, { 3.629869102295367*^9, 3.629869160124668*^9}, {3.6298691942887287`*^9, 3.6298696149902673`*^9}, {3.6298696993864155`*^9, 3.62986975897852*^9}, { 3.6298698387726603`*^9, 3.629869912030389*^9}, {3.6298700722270703`*^9, 3.629870234560955*^9}, {3.629870580429163*^9, 3.629870630458451*^9}, { 3.630556081081209*^9, 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3.630587657039589*^9, 3.630587688367381*^9}, {3.6305880733027773`*^9, 3.6305883365376396`*^9}, {3.6305886689118233`*^9, 3.6305886717978287`*^9}, 3.6305889776831656`*^9, {3.6305890389444733`*^9, 3.6305890437180815`*^9}, { 3.630589093248169*^9, 3.6305891296430326`*^9}, 3.630589181700324*^9, { 3.6305892509956455`*^9, 3.6305892594820604`*^9}, {3.630589318949365*^9, 3.6305893334729905`*^9}, {3.630589630294712*^9, 3.6305896376267247`*^9}, { 3.630589683288005*^9, 3.630589684988408*^9}, {3.630597310538067*^9, 3.630597340080757*^9}, {3.630597391446695*^9, 3.630597400596218*^9}, { 3.6305974350611897`*^9, 3.6305974605306463`*^9}, {3.630633997622449*^9, 3.630634003125764*^9}, {3.630659322217756*^9, 3.63065932438616*^9}, { 3.6306611578252783`*^9, 3.6306611625988865`*^9}, {3.6306612541554475`*^9, 3.630661257587454*^9}, {3.6306613001287284`*^9, 3.6306613026715326`*^9}, { 3.6306613920752897`*^9, 3.6306613949768953`*^9}, {3.6306706377509866`*^9, 3.630670654957817*^9}, {3.6306749981919994`*^9, 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3.632207682289294*^9}, {3.632207809621577*^9, 3.632207827973626*^9}, { 3.6322079043859973`*^9, 3.6322079279443445`*^9}, {3.6322080916397076`*^9, 3.6322081666649985`*^9}, 3.634905258940913*^9, {3.634905370524296*^9, 3.6349054089004903`*^9}, {3.6349054472556844`*^9, 3.63490544787272*^9}, { 3.634905483492757*^9, 3.6349055164646425`*^9}, {3.634905574352954*^9, 3.634905628121029*^9}, {3.6349057012822137`*^9, 3.6349057207913294`*^9}, { 3.6349061371061416`*^9, 3.634906354438572*^9}, {3.6349063890455513`*^9, 3.6349064369332905`*^9}, {3.634906537696054*^9, 3.634906601859724*^9}, 3.634906706128688*^9, {3.6349069249442034`*^9, 3.6349069328326545`*^9}, { 3.6349070151973653`*^9, 3.6349070242298822`*^9}, {3.6349070817921743`*^9, 3.6349070822111983`*^9}, {3.634907723288866*^9, 3.634907739005765*^9}, { 3.6349079580732946`*^9, 3.6349079868219395`*^9}, {3.634908200284148*^9, 3.634908315195721*^9}, {3.6349083774582825`*^9, 3.6349084027997313`*^9}, { 3.63490844507615*^9, 3.634908448843365*^9}, {3.634914956333157*^9, 3.634915020054802*^9}, {3.634915050572547*^9, 3.6349150956171236`*^9}, { 3.6349539785771523`*^9, 3.634953978975175*^9}, {3.6349540728785458`*^9, 3.6349541681829967`*^9}, {3.634954211263461*^9, 3.6349542495746527`*^9}, { 3.6349543251259737`*^9, 3.634954355882733*^9}, {3.6349543892536416`*^9, 3.6349544742835045`*^9}, {3.634954547519694*^9, 3.6349545640246377`*^9}, { 3.6349547051657104`*^9, 3.6349547107930326`*^9}, {3.634954745355009*^9, 3.634954752101395*^9}, {3.6349547948858423`*^9, 3.6349548053894434`*^9}, { 3.634954904907135*^9, 3.6349549451084347`*^9}, {3.634955219605135*^9, 3.6349552640926795`*^9}, {3.634955320189888*^9, 3.634955348763522*^9}, { 3.634955386393675*^9, 3.6349555039273973`*^9}, {3.6349557669644423`*^9, 3.6349557672004557`*^9}, {3.634955894841756*^9, 3.634955902578199*^9}, { 3.6349559513739896`*^9, 3.6349560216320086`*^9}, {3.634956120144643*^9, 3.634956128996149*^9}, {3.6349561700724983`*^9, 3.6349561978900895`*^9}, { 3.6349562480719595`*^9, 3.634956254326318*^9}, {3.634956331684742*^9, 3.6349563460575643`*^9}, {3.634956379242462*^9, 3.63495642676418*^9}, 3.6349564696636343`*^9, {3.6351524116477795`*^9, 3.6351524153379908`*^9}, { 3.6352134400282927`*^9, 3.635213442148414*^9}, {3.6352134745862694`*^9, 3.635213495869487*^9}, {3.6352135383409157`*^9, 3.6352137157160616`*^9}, { 3.6352137493569856`*^9, 3.635213764522853*^9}, {3.635214215036621*^9, 3.635214227593339*^9}, {3.635214407257615*^9, 3.63521441713218*^9}, { 3.635215297101512*^9, 3.635215303964904*^9}, {3.6352154111120324`*^9, 3.635215431504199*^9}, {3.635216346055508*^9, 3.635216494371991*^9}, { 3.635216631050809*^9, 3.6352166603244834`*^9}, {3.635216763034358*^9, 3.635216764164423*^9}, {3.6352168771938877`*^9, 3.635216888828553*^9}, 3.6352169832479534`*^9, 3.635217037668066*^9, {3.6352172024924936`*^9, 3.6352172054526625`*^9}, {3.635217344025589*^9, 3.635217346898753*^9}, 3.6352173863770113`*^9, {3.635217519639633*^9, 3.6352175507014103`*^9}, 3.635217615445113*^9, {3.6352178715087595`*^9, 3.635217880460271*^9}, { 3.6352185912849283`*^9, 3.635218598444338*^9}, {3.6352186995721216`*^9, 3.635218714955002*^9}, {3.6352189761749425`*^9, 3.6352189789341*^9}, { 3.6352195060322485`*^9, 3.635219509972474*^9}, 3.6352195673477554`*^9, 3.6352195994635925`*^9, {3.6352197336482677`*^9, 3.635219737452485*^9}, { 3.6352197706093817`*^9, 3.6352197723214793`*^9}, {3.635219941784172*^9, 3.6352199485115566`*^9}, {3.6352200714185867`*^9, 3.6352200854323883`*^9}, {3.6352202085694313`*^9, 3.635220235849992*^9}, { 3.6352202816336107`*^9, 3.6352203110962954`*^9}, {3.6352204980449886`*^9, 3.6352205276526823`*^9}, {3.6352253191447396`*^9, 3.6352253299913597`*^9}, {3.6352253611111403`*^9, 3.6352253637572913`*^9}, {3.635225409322898*^9, 3.6352255965196047`*^9}, { 3.6352260914249115`*^9, 3.6352261698393965`*^9}, {3.63522638233055*^9, 3.6352264188036366`*^9}, {3.635227493469104*^9, 3.635227556935734*^9}, { 3.6352276745764627`*^9, 3.635227730116639*^9}, {3.6352287979917183`*^9, 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3.688908616683618*^9, 3.6889086271336327`*^9}, {3.6889086885637183`*^9, 3.6889087063437433`*^9}, {3.6889091647443852`*^9, 3.6889092012544365`*^9}, {3.6889093019045773`*^9, 3.6889093406746316`*^9}, 3.6889101071957045`*^9, {3.689905940063133*^9, 3.689905972983179*^9}, { 3.692530981927737*^9, 3.6925310416778207`*^9}, {3.692531099797902*^9, 3.6925311384779563`*^9}, {3.692531192258032*^9, 3.692531244668105*^9}, { 3.6925312919881716`*^9, 3.692531425418358*^9}, {3.6925315270885005`*^9, 3.692531643928664*^9}, {3.692535489534048*^9, 3.6925356485142703`*^9}, { 3.692535753564418*^9, 3.6925357992544813`*^9}, {3.6925358831745987`*^9, 3.692535899604622*^9}, {3.692536042584822*^9, 3.692536159384986*^9}, { 3.6925366121156197`*^9, 3.6925366207256317`*^9}, {3.6925367265057793`*^9, 3.69253672683578*^9}, {3.6925368590559654`*^9, 3.6925368636559715`*^9}, { 3.6925370880062857`*^9, 3.692537177856412*^9}, {3.692537322456614*^9, 3.6925373869767046`*^9}, {3.6925390913352747`*^9, 3.6925390925252767`*^9}, 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3.6940913675677667`*^9, 3.6940914223978434`*^9}, {3.694091508037963*^9, 3.694091572118053*^9}, 3.694092009628666*^9, {3.6940920553287296`*^9, 3.694092229168973*^9}, {3.6940923053990793`*^9, 3.694092374419176*^9}, { 3.6940924537392874`*^9, 3.694092457789293*^9}, 3.694092642849552*^9, { 3.6940928573598523`*^9, 3.694092862379859*^9}, {3.6940945886222763`*^9, 3.694094601932295*^9}, 3.694094849542641*^9, {3.694095764293922*^9, 3.6940957644739223`*^9}, {3.6940960602743363`*^9, 3.6940960732243547`*^9}, {3.6940961211044216`*^9, 3.694096124194426*^9}, { 3.694665030960044*^9, 3.6946650634500895`*^9}, {3.6946652071402903`*^9, 3.6946653490404887`*^9}, {3.6946658702212186`*^9, 3.6946658881212435`*^9}, {3.694665923041292*^9, 3.694665953561335*^9}, { 3.694665995981395*^9, 3.6946660149414215`*^9}, {3.694666050571471*^9, 3.6946660547214766`*^9}, {3.694666169991638*^9, 3.694666292151809*^9}, { 3.6946663456618843`*^9, 3.6946663943919525`*^9}, 3.6946667526224537`*^9, 3.69466680700253*^9, 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{3.6297846136821475`*^9, 3.629784629235375*^9}, { 3.629784814797701*^9, 3.629784927648299*^9}, {3.629785259960083*^9, 3.6297852602096834`*^9}, {3.6297858780175686`*^9, 3.629785917282837*^9}, { 3.629786048057867*^9, 3.629786048681868*^9}, 3.6297863278755584`*^9, { 3.6297867047133856`*^9, 3.629786748533863*^9}, {3.6297867791567163`*^9, 3.6297868491540394`*^9}, {3.6297875320748396`*^9, 3.629787569795706*^9}, { 3.6297876247234025`*^9, 3.6297877281983843`*^9}, {3.6297877681812544`*^9, 3.629787774015665*^9}, {3.629787831408166*^9, 3.6297878355265727`*^9}, { 3.6297878775686464`*^9, 3.6297878861174617`*^9}, {3.6297879185343184`*^9, 3.629787919064719*^9}, {3.6297880043032694`*^9, 3.62978800470887*^9}, 3.6297880488257475`*^9, {3.6297882100052304`*^9, 3.6297882174776435`*^9}, { 3.6297882697533355`*^9, 3.6297882948381796`*^9}, {3.6297883467550707`*^9, 3.6297883991087627`*^9}, {3.6297887361785545`*^9, 3.629788783961438*^9}, 3.629788825395111*^9, {3.629789006152629*^9, 3.6297890321266747`*^9}, { 3.6297891133248167`*^9, 3.629789145336073*^9}, {3.6297891926821566`*^9, 3.629789194257759*^9}, {3.629789255316266*^9, 3.6297892556282673`*^9}, { 3.629869102295367*^9, 3.629869160124668*^9}, {3.6298691942887287`*^9, 3.6298696149902673`*^9}, {3.6298696993864155`*^9, 3.62986975897852*^9}, { 3.6298698387726603`*^9, 3.629869912030389*^9}, {3.6298700722270703`*^9, 3.629870234560955*^9}, {3.629870580429163*^9, 3.629870630458451*^9}, { 3.630556081081209*^9, 3.630556104902451*^9}, {3.6305562643503313`*^9, 3.6305562763935523`*^9}, {3.6305563415080667`*^9, 3.630556480956712*^9}, { 3.630556692851884*^9, 3.630556695347888*^9}, {3.630556730042349*^9, 3.630556914528273*^9}, {3.6305653725974936`*^9, 3.6305656807121167`*^9}, { 3.630565758760581*^9, 3.6305657739024467`*^9}, {3.630565858170267*^9, 3.63056596644846*^9}, {3.6305661502619734`*^9, 3.6305661523230915`*^9}, { 3.6305662653385553`*^9, 3.630566370352562*^9}, {3.6305667786019125`*^9, 3.630566790535595*^9}, {3.6305668214773645`*^9, 3.630567044691132*^9}, { 3.6305670772499943`*^9, 3.6305670783710585`*^9}, 3.630567272031135*^9, { 3.630567303902958*^9, 3.630567409875019*^9}, {3.630568671196477*^9, 3.6305687195002403`*^9}, {3.6305687542132254`*^9, 3.630568758623478*^9}, { 3.630568855671028*^9, 3.630568859250233*^9}, {3.630569706514694*^9, 3.630569775526641*^9}, 3.630569982346471*^9, {3.6305701679130845`*^9, 3.630570205199217*^9}, {3.6305703751399374`*^9, 3.630570526177576*^9}, { 3.630587657039589*^9, 3.630587688367381*^9}, {3.6305880733027773`*^9, 3.6305883365376396`*^9}, {3.6305886689118233`*^9, 3.6305886717978287`*^9}, 3.6305889776831656`*^9, {3.6305890389444733`*^9, 3.6305890437180815`*^9}, { 3.630589093248169*^9, 3.6305891296430326`*^9}, 3.630589181700324*^9, { 3.6305892509956455`*^9, 3.6305892594820604`*^9}, {3.630589318949365*^9, 3.6305893334729905`*^9}, {3.630589630294712*^9, 3.6305896376267247`*^9}, { 3.630589683288005*^9, 3.630589684988408*^9}, {3.630597310538067*^9, 3.630597340080757*^9}, {3.630597391446695*^9, 3.630597400596218*^9}, { 3.6305974350611897`*^9, 3.6305974605306463`*^9}, {3.630633997622449*^9, 3.630634003125764*^9}, {3.630659322217756*^9, 3.63065932438616*^9}, { 3.6306611578252783`*^9, 3.6306611625988865`*^9}, {3.6306612541554475`*^9, 3.630661257587454*^9}, {3.6306613001287284`*^9, 3.6306613026715326`*^9}, { 3.6306613920752897`*^9, 3.6306613949768953`*^9}, {3.6306706377509866`*^9, 3.630670654957817*^9}, {3.6306749981919994`*^9, 3.630675005793434*^9}, { 3.6306751229631357`*^9, 3.630675150017683*^9}, {3.6306752035287437`*^9, 3.6306752096180925`*^9}, {3.630675315921172*^9, 3.6306753201514144`*^9}, { 3.6306757793287754`*^9, 3.6306757796257925`*^9}, {3.630675814406262*^9, 3.6306758147026625`*^9}, {3.6306760107574763`*^9, 3.6306760154417443`*^9}, {3.6306789722320743`*^9, 3.6306789870309205`*^9}, {3.6306790257051325`*^9, 3.630679028076268*^9}, { 3.6306800259177256`*^9, 3.6306800406129513`*^9}, {3.6306801239326982`*^9, 3.6306801300167084`*^9}, {3.630680769261832*^9, 3.6306807806186523`*^9}, { 3.630681157468514*^9, 3.6306811577649145`*^9}, {3.6306812744219193`*^9, 3.63068127471832*^9}, {3.6306817187418995`*^9, 3.6306817919060287`*^9}, { 3.630681879188182*^9, 3.6306819111526375`*^9}, {3.6306821191790032`*^9, 3.6306821283050194`*^9}, {3.630720543651497*^9, 3.6307205534300566`*^9}, { 3.630721035525631*^9, 3.630721092774905*^9}, {3.6307212510439577`*^9, 3.6307213064777765`*^9}, {3.6307477437169704`*^9, 3.6307478284095197`*^9}, {3.6307478614971776`*^9, 3.6307478785948076`*^9}, {3.6307479884814005`*^9, 3.630748002880226*^9}, { 3.630748045624301*^9, 3.630748063876333*^9}, {3.630748111596817*^9, 3.6307481498324842`*^9}, {3.6307489182430334`*^9, 3.6307489447786803`*^9}, {3.630749037427243*^9, 3.6307490443848553`*^9}, { 3.6307491041485605`*^9, 3.6307491384218206`*^9}, {3.6307491914151134`*^9, 3.630749196890723*^9}, {3.6307492445800066`*^9, 3.6307493439989815`*^9}, { 3.630749396212273*^9, 3.6307494766304145`*^9}, {3.6307495333989143`*^9, 3.6307495547241516`*^9}, {3.6307496525831237`*^9, 3.630749669571553*^9}, { 3.630750220602922*^9, 3.6307502881822405`*^9}, {3.6307510631916018`*^9, 3.630751068292811*^9}, {3.6307511226589065`*^9, 3.630751137962533*^9}, { 3.6307512555243397`*^9, 3.630751282777588*^9}, {3.630752266971757*^9, 3.630752414599744*^9}, {3.630752446407563*^9, 3.630752457388191*^9}, { 3.6307589380050273`*^9, 3.6307590266300964`*^9}, {3.6307591666721067`*^9, 3.63075923229886*^9}, 3.630760288282259*^9, {3.6307603547370596`*^9, 3.630760557414652*^9}, {3.630760654134184*^9, 3.63076065510824*^9}, { 3.6307606911683025`*^9, 3.6307606919283457`*^9}, {3.6307607642334814`*^9, 3.6307607648645177`*^9}, {3.630761455000991*^9, 3.6307614616743727`*^9}, { 3.630761507825012*^9, 3.630761605776615*^9}, {3.630761652999316*^9, 3.630761695865768*^9}, {3.630761771278081*^9, 3.6307617792215357`*^9}, 3.6307629478424797`*^9, {3.632205207880766*^9, 3.6322052561155243`*^9}, { 3.6322052892474194`*^9, 3.6322052915745525`*^9}, 3.6322053746993074`*^9, { 3.6322062705415463`*^9, 3.6322062726016645`*^9}, {3.6322063396935015`*^9, 3.63220636484194*^9}, {3.6322064410612993`*^9, 3.6322064491667633`*^9}, { 3.632206580308264*^9, 3.6322066373275256`*^9}, {3.6322066736436024`*^9, 3.6322067467737856`*^9}, {3.632206782260815*^9, 3.6322071351279984`*^9}, 3.6322071989226465`*^9, {3.632207270393735*^9, 3.6322073359894867`*^9}, { 3.6322073997741346`*^9, 3.6322074126708727`*^9}, {3.632207491777397*^9, 3.632207682289294*^9}, {3.632207809621577*^9, 3.632207827973626*^9}, { 3.6322079043859973`*^9, 3.6322079279443445`*^9}, {3.6322080916397076`*^9, 3.6322081666649985`*^9}, 3.634905258940913*^9, {3.634905370524296*^9, 3.6349054089004903`*^9}, {3.6349054472556844`*^9, 3.63490544787272*^9}, { 3.634905483492757*^9, 3.6349055164646425`*^9}, {3.634905574352954*^9, 3.634905628121029*^9}, {3.6349057012822137`*^9, 3.6349057207913294`*^9}, { 3.6349061371061416`*^9, 3.634906354438572*^9}, {3.6349063890455513`*^9, 3.6349064369332905`*^9}, {3.634906537696054*^9, 3.634906601859724*^9}, 3.634906706128688*^9, {3.6349069249442034`*^9, 3.6349069328326545`*^9}, { 3.6349070151973653`*^9, 3.6349070242298822`*^9}, {3.6349070817921743`*^9, 3.6349070822111983`*^9}, {3.634907723288866*^9, 3.634907739005765*^9}, { 3.6349079580732946`*^9, 3.6349079868219395`*^9}, {3.634908200284148*^9, 3.634908315195721*^9}, {3.6349083774582825`*^9, 3.6349084027997313`*^9}, { 3.63490844507615*^9, 3.634908448843365*^9}, {3.634914956333157*^9, 3.634915020054802*^9}, {3.634915050572547*^9, 3.6349150956171236`*^9}, { 3.6349539785771523`*^9, 3.634953978975175*^9}, {3.6349540728785458`*^9, 3.6349541681829967`*^9}, {3.634954211263461*^9, 3.6349542495746527`*^9}, { 3.6349543251259737`*^9, 3.634954355882733*^9}, {3.6349543892536416`*^9, 3.6349544742835045`*^9}, {3.634954547519694*^9, 3.6349545640246377`*^9}, { 3.6349547051657104`*^9, 3.6349547107930326`*^9}, {3.634954745355009*^9, 3.634954752101395*^9}, {3.6349547948858423`*^9, 3.6349548053894434`*^9}, { 3.634954904907135*^9, 3.6349549451084347`*^9}, {3.634955219605135*^9, 3.6349552640926795`*^9}, {3.634955320189888*^9, 3.634955348763522*^9}, { 3.634955386393675*^9, 3.6349555039273973`*^9}, {3.6349557669644423`*^9, 3.6349557672004557`*^9}, {3.634955894841756*^9, 3.634955902578199*^9}, { 3.6349559513739896`*^9, 3.6349560216320086`*^9}, {3.634956120144643*^9, 3.634956128996149*^9}, {3.6349561700724983`*^9, 3.6349561978900895`*^9}, { 3.6349562480719595`*^9, 3.634956254326318*^9}, {3.634956331684742*^9, 3.6349563460575643`*^9}, {3.634956379242462*^9, 3.63495642676418*^9}, 3.6349564696636343`*^9, {3.6351524116477795`*^9, 3.6351524153379908`*^9}, { 3.6352134400282927`*^9, 3.635213442148414*^9}, {3.6352134745862694`*^9, 3.635213495869487*^9}, {3.6352135383409157`*^9, 3.6352137157160616`*^9}, { 3.6352137493569856`*^9, 3.635213764522853*^9}, {3.635214215036621*^9, 3.635214227593339*^9}, {3.635214407257615*^9, 3.63521441713218*^9}, { 3.635215297101512*^9, 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3.6868255183026843`*^9, 3.686825518932685*^9}, {3.6868264466639843`*^9, 3.6868264497139883`*^9}, {3.6868267792744493`*^9, 3.6868268152945004`*^9}, {3.686827100164899*^9, 3.6868271210549283`*^9}, 3.686827162004986*^9, {3.6868272414950967`*^9, 3.686827327475217*^9}, { 3.686827953126093*^9, 3.686827976506126*^9}, {3.686829128577739*^9, 3.686829138957753*^9}, 3.6868292410978966`*^9, {3.6868292768379464`*^9, 3.686829282727955*^9}, {3.6868293820380936`*^9, 3.686829418138144*^9}, { 3.686829846748744*^9, 3.686829848298746*^9}, {3.6868313063207874`*^9, 3.686831307180789*^9}, {3.6868331276633377`*^9, 3.68683328653356*^9}, { 3.6868394697195063`*^9, 3.6868394933895392`*^9}, 3.686839530999592*^9, { 3.686839582829664*^9, 3.68683963686974*^9}, {3.6868397551199055`*^9, 3.68683979365996*^9}, {3.6868398344600167`*^9, 3.686839866200061*^9}, { 3.687092084401948*^9, 3.687092117031994*^9}, {3.6870922598621936`*^9, 3.6870922645422*^9}, {3.6870962086478376`*^9, 3.6870962658779182`*^9}, 3.687096444838168*^9, {3.687096500978247*^9, 3.687096501638248*^9}, { 3.6870965809883595`*^9, 3.687096592708376*^9}, 3.687096837948719*^9, { 3.68709688890879*^9, 3.687096985798926*^9}, {3.6870971015990877`*^9, 3.6870972179192505`*^9}, {3.6870972618993125`*^9, 3.687097305639374*^9}, { 3.6870973356794157`*^9, 3.6870975186496716`*^9}, {3.6870975796097574`*^9, 3.6870975953197794`*^9}, {3.6870976531898603`*^9, 3.6870976848899045`*^9}, 3.6870977782500353`*^9, {3.687413757687042*^9, 3.6874137834070783`*^9}, { 3.6874140542074575`*^9, 3.687414094417514*^9}, {3.6874143478878684`*^9, 3.687414485538061*^9}, {3.6874146116082373`*^9, 3.68741464894829*^9}, { 3.6874147451084247`*^9, 3.687414766118454*^9}, 3.6874149094486547`*^9, { 3.6874150416688395`*^9, 3.6874150634888706`*^9}, {3.6874152437091227`*^9, 3.687415268869158*^9}, 3.6874153442892637`*^9, {3.687415449879411*^9, 3.687415469659439*^9}, 3.687415529739523*^9, 3.687415564789572*^9, 3.687415645529685*^9, {3.6874168016913037`*^9, 3.687416803441306*^9}, { 3.687421022677213*^9, 3.6874212686075573`*^9}, {3.68742948209425*^9, 3.6874294906842623`*^9}, {3.687844340668378*^9, 3.6878443698084188`*^9}, { 3.6886534778571014`*^9, 3.6886534911571198`*^9}, {3.688906380162199*^9, 3.6889064680223217`*^9}, {3.688906514222396*^9, 3.6889065193925257`*^9}, { 3.688908192623024*^9, 3.6889082006430354`*^9}, {3.688908261823121*^9, 3.688908271653135*^9}, {3.6889083776232834`*^9, 3.6889083922733035`*^9}, { 3.688908466073407*^9, 3.6889084993734536`*^9}, 3.688908533623502*^9, { 3.688908616683618*^9, 3.6889086271336327`*^9}, {3.6889086885637183`*^9, 3.6889087063437433`*^9}, {3.6889091647443852`*^9, 3.6889092012544365`*^9}, {3.6889093019045773`*^9, 3.6889093406746316`*^9}, 3.6889101071957045`*^9, {3.689905940063133*^9, 3.689905972983179*^9}, { 3.692530981927737*^9, 3.6925310416778207`*^9}, {3.692531099797902*^9, 3.6925311384779563`*^9}, {3.692531192258032*^9, 3.692531244668105*^9}, { 3.6925312919881716`*^9, 3.692531425418358*^9}, {3.6925315270885005`*^9, 3.692531643928664*^9}, {3.692535489534048*^9, 3.6925356485142703`*^9}, { 3.692535753564418*^9, 3.6925357992544813`*^9}, {3.6925358831745987`*^9, 3.692535899604622*^9}, {3.692536042584822*^9, 3.692536159384986*^9}, { 3.6925366121156197`*^9, 3.6925366207256317`*^9}, {3.6925367265057793`*^9, 3.69253672683578*^9}, {3.6925368590559654`*^9, 3.6925368636559715`*^9}, { 3.6925370880062857`*^9, 3.692537177856412*^9}, {3.692537322456614*^9, 3.6925373869767046`*^9}, {3.6925390913352747`*^9, 3.6925390925252767`*^9}, {3.692539644430175*^9, 3.6925396711502123`*^9}, { 3.692539727510291*^9, 3.692539730440295*^9}, {3.69253993367058*^9, 3.692539963780622*^9}, {3.6925400018406754`*^9, 3.692540003630678*^9}, { 3.6925401743409166`*^9, 3.6925401747509174`*^9}, {3.692540399111232*^9, 3.692540407981244*^9}, {3.69254047647134*^9, 3.6925404886113567`*^9}, { 3.6925406039715185`*^9, 3.69254060531152*^9}, {3.6925414948727655`*^9, 3.6925414953427663`*^9}, {3.6925415478528395`*^9, 3.692541613062931*^9}, 3.692541649332982*^9, {3.692541727633092*^9, 3.6925418840133104`*^9}, { 3.692541924473367*^9, 3.692542041693531*^9}, {3.6925421488836813`*^9, 3.6925422549438295`*^9}, {3.6925422976938896`*^9, 3.692542521444203*^9}, { 3.6925426221843443`*^9, 3.6925426357343626`*^9}, 3.692542739374508*^9, 3.692599799510878*^9, {3.692599834884901*^9, 3.6925998954663663`*^9}, { 3.692599925635092*^9, 3.6926000095928946`*^9}, {3.692600108929576*^9, 3.6926001456386757`*^9}, {3.6926001874800687`*^9, 3.692600454421337*^9}, { 3.692600503149027*^9, 3.6926006000391626`*^9}, {3.692600680251275*^9, 3.6926006814012766`*^9}, {3.6926009000215826`*^9, 3.6926009410816402`*^9}, 3.692601280532116*^9, {3.6926044914726114`*^9, 3.69260449774262*^9}, 3.6926045660127153`*^9, 3.6926046690228596`*^9, {3.69296647863291*^9, 3.6929664798829117`*^9}, {3.6929665643330297`*^9, 3.6929666141830997`*^9}, {3.6929670390036945`*^9, 3.6929670405536966`*^9}, {3.6929670861037607`*^9, 3.6929670952937737`*^9}, {3.6929671302538223`*^9, 3.6929671549438567`*^9}, {3.6929671904739065`*^9, 3.69296722137395*^9}, { 3.6929672596240034`*^9, 3.6929673352541094`*^9}, 3.6929678909232683`*^9, { 3.6930146982034283`*^9, 3.693014722713463*^9}, {3.6930148540136466`*^9, 3.693014857023651*^9}, {3.6930148913836985`*^9, 3.693014894823704*^9}, { 3.693014930903754*^9, 3.6930151942541227`*^9}, {3.693015247824198*^9, 3.693015430554454*^9}, {3.693015673794794*^9, 3.69301579223496*^9}, { 3.6930163123576884`*^9, 3.693016326897709*^9}, {3.6930164225678425`*^9, 3.693016429727853*^9}, {3.693016686718212*^9, 3.693016698128228*^9}, { 3.693016737038283*^9, 3.693016755068308*^9}, {3.6930168429225607`*^9, 3.6930168719926014`*^9}, {3.6930172049430676`*^9, 3.693017284063178*^9}, { 3.693017336433252*^9, 3.6930173662532935`*^9}, {3.6930180949163136`*^9, 3.6930180975563173`*^9}, {3.6930181870764427`*^9, 3.693018199956461*^9}, { 3.6930182954065943`*^9, 3.693018305996609*^9}, {3.693139886141657*^9, 3.6931399045016823`*^9}, {3.6931402916003532`*^9, 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Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Non-linear analysis (week 5)", "Chapter", CellChangeTimes->{{3.473055512584*^9, 3.4730555529630003`*^9}, { 3.4730575328269997`*^9, 3.473057539222*^9}, {3.4734691424642*^9, 3.4734691605758*^9}, {3.5681161575453596`*^9, 3.568116161819767*^9}, { 3.59922265025865*^9, 3.599222653363055*^9}, 3.629777520582675*^9, 3.629791653258878*^9, {3.630370559869874*^9, 3.6303705662970853`*^9}, { 3.6618219022583027`*^9, 3.6618219059243093`*^9}, 3.6852488995100965`*^9, 3.685281849223243*^9, {3.6853234590535126`*^9, 3.685323459673514*^9}, { 3.68587640866364*^9, 3.6858764117036448`*^9}, {3.6862101948897667`*^9, 3.6862101984397717`*^9}, {3.686235632357339*^9, 3.6862356325473394`*^9}, { 3.686290377128008*^9, 3.686290380228012*^9}, {3.6863951313545313`*^9, 3.6863951457345514`*^9}, {3.6883646955890894`*^9, 3.6883646971490917`*^9}, 3.69079328920778*^9, 3.7530712354565744`*^9, {3.7554410408893995`*^9, 3.755441045372862*^9}, {3.7561874728636427`*^9, 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3.7575074757602773`*^9},ExpressionUUID->"2f3e27f2-ca50-4781-b2f1-\ d12789d1032a"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Example 4.5 (thin slab)", "Subsubsection", CellChangeTimes->{ 3.5602188818535767`*^9, {3.560232633043067*^9, 3.5602326460718117`*^9}, { 3.6231155453472214`*^9, 3.6231155575109177`*^9}, {3.6939914338993196`*^9, 3.6939914462693367`*^9}, 3.7256061978333664`*^9, {3.7256068862806683`*^9, 3.725606887702759*^9}, {3.725621905609552*^9, 3.725621910203785*^9}, { 3.757510705049321*^9, 3.7575107076105695`*^9}},ExpressionUUID->"0db6022b-5465-48b6-be07-\ 4c120ac5e4a7"], Cell[BoxData[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"ele", "=", RowBox[{"{", "\[IndentingNewLine]", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"PLANE", ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"\[CapitalEpsilon]", ",", "\[Nu]"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", "t", "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"0", ",", "0", ",", "0"}], "}"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"Polygon", "[", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"1", ",", "2", ",", "3"}], "}"}], "]"}]}], 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"Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"e7500266-a0d0-49fb-8baa-660b6426cd64"], Cell[110508, 2937, 17126, 448, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ec855259-b181-4621-bff6-5b06692ed070", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[127671, 3390, 340, 5, 4220, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"d7faebba-7395-4e68-ab54-f492589db395"], Cell[128014, 3397, 25175, 648, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c6d3c1cf-f70a-4ff4-a688-e8af531ec381", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[153226, 4050, 203, 4, 4220, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"b7e0fb49-27d0-4286-aad7-5e4f444291fb", InitializationCell->True], Cell[153432, 4056, 44636, 963, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6c2cad90-e06d-4e59-8532-520f3d2b4ff1", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[198105, 5024, 204, 4, 4220, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"f2915892-cf02-4b47-a282-bce92178c7c9", InitializationCell->True], Cell[198312, 5030, 21959, 435, 264736256, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d6d4fa4d-302f-4234-b1e0-4992bce4f95c", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[220308, 5470, 255, 5, 4220, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"dab2a20e-37b0-46fe-a9da-bb15afd82a63", InitializationCell->True], Cell[220566, 5477, 12438, 188, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fc4bc255-0184-4db9-9632-2475e5a9fab7", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[233041, 5670, 255, 5, 4220, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"06e798ca-1dd4-40a4-a05a-ff4b895a2b95", InitializationCell->True], Cell[233299, 5677, 16951, 317, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"71233d3c-e96a-40ba-8291-d489cc54cc36", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[250287, 5999, 310, 5, 4220, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"189929f0-3d23-4124-9e22-07173e3f9540", InitializationCell->True], Cell[250600, 6006, 18402, 342, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1315eef7-3f98-48f3-a5f1-93f83f9a04ff", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[269039, 6353, 177, 3, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"0b4ce7e2-c37d-4aa4-be76-85624d17acf7"], Cell[269219, 6358, 173388, 3628, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"62be5c9d-13e2-4eb6-bfe3-f354e8ffe2e2", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[442644, 9991, 178, 3, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"7b50e1e5-43b3-48dd-ab3c-7f7fab53534c"], Cell[442825, 9996, 347471, 7572, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e31fa415-db4b-408c-bea5-a9ffaf7481fc", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[790333, 17573, 233, 4, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"3c1cc687-9e5c-4f89-bb45-0c546743d3b9"], Cell[790569, 17579, 68994, 1264, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"10195547-9e08-4de6-b8ba-6f68b277fa39", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[859600, 18848, 234, 4, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"91adccb2-269e-4a19-9a4a-91ccc1e79579"], Cell[859837, 18854, 420063, 9118, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"06e3e177-9d54-4611-b583-2e9378b34b1d", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1279937, 27977, 96, 0, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"b0e0c39c-1804-43da-be7d-9b95f8708dba"], Cell[1280036, 27979, 179353, 4370, 20425724, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6a0e0d0d-c6ce-4720-9792-13f58dcffffc", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1459426, 32354, 179, 3, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"cac1f4d2-6abb-4583-9715-def566f4dcfc"], Cell[1459608, 32359, 28992, 590, 524860, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4ef5f2d0-fa25-49ec-acf2-77ac9741a235", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1488637, 32954, 243, 4, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"3a7fcb2c-809c-491e-8008-ff44eaa4ff92"], Cell[1488883, 32960, 40413, 889, 884860, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"af7a02fa-7ee0-4fd9-a30b-c90bf1abbac8", InitializationCell->True] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1529333, 33854, 222, 4, 23100, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"d80eaf00-72a4-4ce4-bc60-d25c0abc146d"], Cell[1529558, 33860, 282830, 6492, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"21b78e0a-a635-45eb-965f-598ce75a0714", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1812425, 40357, 165, 2, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"4c5b683b-05a0-4d39-a5ee-9bcaeb2e4e23"], Cell[1812593, 40361, 55972, 1125, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"75aebc1b-bef9-4f49-90a9-6a83763efcdc", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1868602, 41491, 169, 3, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"a951088d-2efc-45c8-868e-89e67a144fab"], Cell[1868774, 41496, 112119, 2661, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"03ac8030-724a-407f-b1af-d0fe2dd395fc", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1980930, 44162, 269, 4, 15228, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"a0137111-1c1c-48db-a3dd-45e6822bfa37"], Cell[1981202, 44168, 114093, 2662, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d8f05811-c435-43b0-8866-a99cf7ca7694"] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2095344, 46836, 1057, 17, 6396, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"a3fe9042-d10d-4ce6-8f91-abffc26873e2"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2096426, 46857, 88, 0, 300988, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"62e31888-f3d3-4401-8886-77b1776935f2"], Cell[2096517, 46859, 61162, 1427, 27040636, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"238ce239-4374-4fc9-b278-90ffdd52d472", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2157728, 48292, 1007, 16, 6396, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"9b0e61aa-18e2-44e2-9e0c-9a1ec126de58"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2158760, 48312, 383, 6, 300988, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"2f278e47-8352-44fb-a02b-1d00ed264fcf"], Cell[2159146, 48320, 4155, 82, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"58408154-0068-40bf-abd1-f54e461cb711", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2163338, 48407, 86, 0, 198396, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"33730347-6ba2-4e0c-820c-45645621c710"], Cell[2163427, 48409, 15190, 404, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2c23a70f-f643-4a73-8234-932f9829f2c7", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2178654, 48818, 163, 3, 198396, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"8e45a61d-9be5-4264-80ec-530880c7b4d5"], Cell[2178820, 48823, 105826, 2527, 479526972, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8cb28c0c-5bf5-4bbc-ba39-397bb5765537", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2284683, 51355, 159, 3, 198396, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"cf156b2c-5cd2-49a1-ac11-e390717af027"], Cell[2284845, 51360, 36902, 861, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"57817736-8cd5-4a82-9931-ff5ab8a99821", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2321784, 52226, 86, 0, 198396, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"aaba6671-2f74-4543-a33d-188243a04d7c"], Cell[2321873, 52228, 49163, 1259, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"35b1ec2a-c74b-4377-aff5-3f5da70010e2"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2371073, 53492, 262, 4, 198396, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"a33dd732-f4fa-4999-a9bb-507040049e63"], Cell[2371338, 53498, 24901, 599, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"21df03e4-b4f1-45e8-b446-93bc1053ed8d", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2396276, 54102, 361, 6, 198396, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"3448e918-2634-476a-a298-6aad0ef6b2ca"], Cell[2396640, 54110, 128723, 3345, 2147483647, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ce5a6d71-b118-4f01-aee3-41780e32359c", InitializationCell->True] }, Closed]] }, Closed]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2525424, 57462, 1169, 16, 110, "Chapter",ExpressionUUID->"5aad174e-f21b-4f96-88eb-a7b170e89253"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2526618, 57482, 408, 6, 87, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"8803f6c4-92ba-4717-8bd8-d6494db0421e"], Cell[2527029, 57490, 2949, 71, 27772, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c8ba1c59-a822-4e43-b8a2-35651811f7c3"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2530015, 57566, 443, 7, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"3ab24f61-e0b0-481e-bc07-5674655e5498"], Cell[2530461, 57575, 7193, 166, 2824, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e1456d6c-ebba-41da-803e-3e854b1079b8"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2537691, 57746, 471, 8, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"b9ca64d6-1993-4c9b-8464-704989cc4f12"], Cell[2538165, 57756, 7415, 175, 3296, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"988eb08f-3ade-4d78-b8ae-d1c77489fa7b"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2545617, 57936, 624, 10, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"d193f69f-223f-4843-8fe4-c57ff78467a5"], Cell[2546244, 57948, 4478, 100, 2260, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2f3e27f2-ca50-4781-b2f1-d12789d1032a"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2550759, 58053, 486, 8, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"0db6022b-5465-48b6-be07-4c120ac5e4a7"], Cell[2551248, 58063, 4357, 115, 2772, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e682bfa7-76d4-4984-a23e-9a3fa08356b0"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2555642, 58183, 423, 7, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"b16ed357-d398-45c5-9561-958de94bda30"], Cell[2556068, 58192, 6768, 166, 3380, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"77a43020-854e-4d7d-98e9-5d669cb6cfbc"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2562873, 58363, 445, 7, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"fbb3fd70-575d-46fc-8da6-edfa4eff0023"], Cell[2563321, 58372, 5836, 135, 2984, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"82cd5ab3-f384-40df-ac9a-a7c7c7d889df"] }, Closed]], Cell[2569172, 58510, 300, 5, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"ccf9e7cd-485b-4963-9cfb-555d708665f1"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2569497, 58519, 363, 6, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"4001f0ca-949c-4907-95f9-c70dfd95ab98"], Cell[2569863, 58527, 4567, 110, 30076, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"10e8bc68-6fcf-49f0-9673-d71aac7f5c0d"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2574467, 58642, 265, 5, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"9d2a2055-06cf-4421-93bd-9e01fcba7ecc"], Cell[2574735, 58649, 4391, 107, 35260, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"6cb3221f-8ce1-42a9-85fa-65660b20dbbc"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2579163, 58761, 287, 5, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"08286fdf-1eb2-48d1-beb4-396b77a4974c"], Cell[2579453, 58768, 5132, 129, 39804, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"723c585c-26a6-48c6-876a-37180b0fbda0"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2584622, 58902, 315, 6, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"50d6e35d-30f9-4a25-a35f-f2656f5d44ed"], Cell[2584940, 58910, 4232, 101, 32320, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c7a81e93-b874-4543-a2a4-0ab05cb26f87"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2589209, 59016, 294, 5, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"f0678385-61ed-4f97-970d-2f4b6a06ba7d"], Cell[2589506, 59023, 4381, 117, 39804, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d37d7648-9eec-42cc-a586-f100c102d178"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2593924, 59145, 479, 8, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"812e3da1-23ec-4593-9f56-8569fdb86824"], Cell[2594406, 59155, 3979, 104, 36732, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9c434215-4f66-42d0-beec-b44b00d54972"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2598422, 59264, 493, 8, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"e18e99d3-44ed-4fd5-936a-12edb4bbd633"], Cell[2598918, 59274, 5075, 133, 42108, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"465c6e6d-c663-4f21-bb18-0a2d310bd100"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2604030, 59412, 476, 8, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"7e5bb597-5850-4964-b951-779ff16f3889"], Cell[2604509, 59422, 5193, 125, 38268, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e778529a-7dc5-45a8-b4ea-a9b53b2a2eda"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2609739, 59552, 537, 9, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"b6803274-623a-4f0a-8344-191c468975e8"], Cell[2610279, 59563, 4869, 125, 42684, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d35a5555-9972-49dd-ab9e-a5cbaba44da7"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2615185, 59693, 325, 6, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"f3f80333-e18a-43f3-bb63-19d66e1bdf24"], Cell[2615513, 59701, 4334, 103, 34428, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b677149f-5050-4cb1-a704-6a1ea7a10d93"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2619884, 59809, 382, 6, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"84e97302-83d1-486b-be56-94c2b7b01a97"], Cell[2620269, 59817, 6035, 152, 40508, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a4ee1c99-6171-4745-b646-4b7aa387021d"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2626341, 59974, 540, 9, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"fa96934c-4048-4a91-86fb-e6f085c276b4"], Cell[2626884, 59985, 5132, 125, 643, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"53fbd711-9876-4730-945c-ba0e2f8e4cc4"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2632053, 60115, 472, 7, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"edb29f16-cfce-4b77-96e7-6981b22b136b"], Cell[2632528, 60124, 3073, 77, 29372, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"15476152-f879-499e-ac66-f07d05c81d89"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[2635638, 60206, 326, 6, 67, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"72876b4d-aa49-4022-b869-e52d40741674"], Cell[2635967, 60214, 3684, 83, 24892, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"33d66911-0c09-4eda-81f2-32d5906855e2"] }, Closed]] }, Open ]] } ] *)