09:18:43 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Good morning all! At least 4 students have Covid. 09:34:38 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I also like the second idea. The ideas of tracing the body movements is good. 09:36:41 From Henriikka Pahkala to Everyone: Lennart: I was just climbing yesterday and I remembered a snippet in Maarit’s text where it was said that walking is an “Intelligent activity”. When climbing, the brain also goes into a special "problem-solving" state that continues even after performance. It feels like it’s pretty close to a certain kind of creative space in the creative process. So I really like the idea related to ceiling. Sounded interesting. 09:38:45 From Henriikka Pahkala to Everyone: (not snippet I mean part) 09:39:19 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: The traces of climbing are so intriguing! For an untrained eye they are almost invisible, a tiny bit of chalk here or there.. But for a climber they turn into routes, cruxes and problems to be solved! Super interesting :) 09:46:24 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: Scar in the snow, invisible underworld, game of minesweeper. I love the way you describe things Etienne, super poetic and really captures the feeling of the moment. <3 I would love to see a poetry/performance thing from you like the one in materials&living systems. Also using the typewriter feels like beautiful slow way of "writing while thinking" 09:48:31 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I feel that the three ideas might come together, but I feel that the number II might be a good starting point. 09:52:16 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Start also to research the content of the soil from your own home. 09:53:21 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Also you can make a literature survey. 09:53:51 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: Ok, thanks! 10:14:19 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I feel that intuition, body, drawing, charcoal and mapping are key components but they might come together in different way. I encourage to explore charcoal drawing in some mode already now. 10:28:52 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: I felt like that too, what should I make that would be acceptable and it was very frustrating, thus I like the iteration you have through randomness, it’s like the bandersnatch on Netflix, drawing a path through decisions that lead you somewhere, through your objects that let you project something into them. Your carved tool feels like it could evolve towards what you (or others) believe it could be and it looks like selective evolution. 10:31:47 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: We had great talks during the trip and I especially liked your ideas on craftsmanship and how craft in itself can be a perfectly acceptable artistic practice. I love the idea of just taking a huge piece of material and just working it - the idea being more about the process of making than the result... 10:34:32 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: It could work as a performance as well as a practice in craft. It could be framed by the tools you choose to work the material, like having 4 different tools and using them intuitively in different stages 10:34:51 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I feel all the things goes together. Maybe collecting materials (i.e. number 2, via walks) could be a starting point for this project. I am not sure if you need path 3. 10:38:17 From Bilge Aktas to Everyone: We are back 10.50 11:07:40 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: The idea of learning from the negative and exploring that sounds super rough but also moving and very personal. If you decide to take this route, be mindful of how it makes you feel, so that the process isn't too draining. Also the exploration of the inner child sounds very freeing! The stories you told in Koli of your childhood were so vivid and fun. long live cementor 11:08:51 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Playfulness & the idea of inner child seems to be fruitful. You can also (re)research what of these parts operate in you at the moment, as a creative adult, in a fruitful way. 11:09:02 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: memories don't need to be "pure" or real to count, the narrative we build around our life is always influenced by others 11:10:11 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: An other idea is related to idea 3: turning negative things to positive insights. 11:25:18 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I like the idea of portable sacrament. The idea could be explored further and perhaps even trying the ‘toolkit’, I.e. how it functions when the toolkit is shared with others. I Feel that the documentary element will be important in your process as well as selected locations.. 11:27:19 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: Religious background as soil and the tie of spirituality to materiality are topics that really strike a chord with me too. Don't be afraid to be personal and share intimate things with your art. "Teemu's sacrament" was a really healing experience. Thank you for creating a safe space for us to explore non-religious spirituality together. 11:35:43 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJSEZ_pl3Y 11:39:26 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: I love the idea of human biomass becoming soil. The one most ignored biomass is our own. You could even think of "tools of care" for the soil to be tools for a more ecological burial or tools for terminal care. The things we ingest, consume and have with us will all eventually become part of the soil.. Maybe a little morbid ! 11:41:46 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: Like having mycelium in your pocket when you're buried might help the soil when you decompose 11:42:30 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: The two ideas comes nicely together, I encourage to explore both of them. At the moment I see idea I more like a research stage of the project (especially the idea of ‘soil as a living whole’) and idea II have already seeds for actual project I.e. toolkit for caring soil. 11:42:56 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: the video is about human composting 11:43:55 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: Also maybe unrelated but about soil caring, the plants and things like sunflower that remove heavy metals from soil. 11:44:15 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: I like the Otsi bag aesthetics 11:44:56 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: ok I will! 13:10:43 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: What I like about your last idea is the capacity of « transmutation » that you felt in maybe an environment that you were not familiar with, the hearing hallucination that provoked all these thoughts. 13:13:15 From Sonja Dallyn to Everyone: I like the idea of exploring your experiences in the ground by building a material "recreation" of the feeling. 13:13:54 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: Agree with Lennart It could be nice to map down all the feelings that you’ve experienced in the hole and that could lead you to a certain process or idk 13:17:38 From Riikka Latva-Somppi to Everyone: Maybe these ideas are interconnected in a way that what you experienced in your snow pod evoked the ideas of your bodily presence and femininity / masculinity? 13:20:13 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: It is enough that you build a narrative between your own project, and experiences either in journey location Koli or course theme Soil. In this course some of the students follow more the theme of the course, and some follow the ideas / experiences they get during the second weeks journey. Some student do a project where both of these comes together. 13:25:03 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: In your case, I encourage to explore both of the themes further. Listen carefully which project is ‘calling’ you. 13:25:04 From Riikka Latva-Somppi to Everyone: Great insights Bilge! 13:41:22 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: It makes me think of a project on instagram where they reposted hundreds of times the picture that they would screenshot over and over and it would start pixellating and the figure would disintegrate. Interesting to bridge the disappearing of the image by nature of the tool in regard to the twisting made by your brain 13:42:27 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: The ‘Soil ink concept’ has most capacity. Perhaps you can link it to ‘specific locations’ and start it in the level of material exploration & painting. If needed, the own photos can be added perhaps later, if the project will move to this direction. 13:55:09 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: What I liked about your performance was the expression of the sound of the branch on the paper, would have loved to hear the music that it produces with the pieces that fell on the lines. Would that create a symphony or something? Go check the new project from MA Material futures, they worked on « orchestra of chaos » 13:57:22 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: (On instagram) 13:58:54 From Riikka Latva-Somppi to Everyone: Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Emotions and transformation are not so easy to talk about. I think your 3 ideas may be one. 1 could be the thematics, 2 the form and 3 the material side of it. (Btw, impossible to follow the conversation, but presentations are very clear) 14:00:31 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I feel idea II is most appropriate because then you sit partly in your comfort zone and you are then able to explore properly further. 14:19:28 From Riikka Latva-Somppi to Everyone: I think it is a nice idea to start searching for the flow through repetitiveness. The first one is more outcome oriented, but may feed the process of the third. 14:19:31 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I also feel the third proposal might be most fruitful. I would start immediately material exploration e.g. with clay. This brings nicely together the core idea related to craft and wellbeing. 14:29:09 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Sesilia and Sonja have been sick and they will therefore have presentations later. Anton decided to take the course during next year - he wants to participate to the journey as well. 14:39:31 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Are all the shapes made in ceramics? 14:40:39 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: What I enjoy about your textures related to pictures is not necessarily the object that it could be but would perhaps be led by more a process research. It could eventually lead to a support later? 14:42:22 From Etienne Thevenet to Everyone: Like here you keep in mind glueing, what would it make in relation to ceramics 14:42:58 From Riikka Latva-Somppi to Everyone: I think it might be interesting if you explore the glue or connecting piece further 14:45:18 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: I feel that the core concept, that is ‘support’ could be explored even further and perhaps then you can decide the material. 14:47:12 From Riikka Latva-Somppi to Everyone: I will send you a link for Priska’s text. The reading is optional. If you don’t have time to read it you may want to return to it later 14:49:05 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Since the core ideas of the article is soil & care I feel this is very much inline what Mira thinks. 14:52:12 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Sesilia, will you present on Thursday? 14:53:27 From Riikka Latva-Somppi to Everyone: Thank you all. Take care! 14:54:17 From Maarit Mäkelä to Everyone: Bye all!