DOM-E5159 - Embodied Interaction, 04.03.2021-09.04.2021
This course space end date is set to 09.04.2021 Search Courses: DOM-E5159
Book the room G203 for working
Completion requirements
Please use this scheduler to book the room G203 for your independent work. This scheduler is used for two purposes:
- I (Matti) have to supervise all teaching activities of this course. This means that I have to be present when you are working here. So book a time and I will also make sure I will be present.
- We also need to have a log of who has been where and when to help with contact tracing in the case that someone would be exposed to the virus.
The bookable times are available 9-17 each day (with a break between 12-13). So you could for example book a time for one of the afternoons. You can also book the morning times for the days when you don't have the lecture.
For example, if you are in the Tuesday/Thursday group, you could book G203 for working during Wednesday or Friday.
The room has 5 bookable workstations (5 PC Desktop computers with the non-commercial TouchDesigner license installed) with projectors connected to them.
Guests can't do anything here.