In Home Exam, you have to write an essay on the following title:

Contributing to a good environmental and water quality as a WAT engineer

Kindly note that while your answer should be based on given Reading Material and other information gained during the week, you should write the essay in your own words. 

Please, read carefully: Instructions and grading of the essay!

To ensure the originality of your submission, upload your Home Exam as .pdf document through this Turnitin assignment link. Before your submission, read the Turnitin introduction below as well as the instructions available here:

What is Turnitin? 

Turnitin is a tool for enhancing skilful writing and preventing plagiarism. You submit your exam through Turnitin, which then checks your text against text available in Turnitin database (incl. web pages, student papers and different publications).

You will also see yourself the so-called Similarity Score of your exam: the score indicates a percentage of the paper's matches to other sources. If the score is high (>10%), we recommend you to re-write your exam and re-submit it through same assignment (named "version2" or similar). 

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