This is the submission box for Learning Exercise 4. The deadline for submission is Mon 4 March at 16:00 pm.

Please note that this is a Turnitin submission box. Turnitin is an originality checking system; thus, if you have copy-pasted a piece of text from some source, Turnitin is likely to notice that. After you have submitted your solution, the system will give you (and the teacher) a report regarding the originality of your text. 

Turnitin is intended to help you in improving your writing skills. After studying your originality report, you have a chance to improve your writing and to resubmit your solution. However, there is a 24 hour waiting time before resubmission, so if you wish to use Turnitin to improve your writing, you will need to start early. Last-minute work just before the deadline does not fit well in the Turnitin schedule.

At the moment, Turnitin does not work with hand-written text, so the originality report will only cover the parts for which the text which has been produced with a computer.

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