LC-1111 - Online Writing Skills for Engineers 2 (w), Lecture, 24.4.2023-5.6.2023
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 05.06.2023 Etsi kursseja: LC-1111
Osion kuvaus
Course teacher: Maxi-Ann Campbell
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This course introduces typical patterns for organizing information within a text at a macro-level, such as topic sentences, problem-solution pattern, extended definitions, and approaches to comparing and contrasting information. You will also learn approaches to using connectors and complex-sentences to maintain the readability of texts. At a micro-level, the course also offers (as an optional task the common rules for using (or not using) and articles (determiners, such as the/a/an) in writing, Week 4B (Optional): Use of Articles).
Unlike LC-1110, this course will involve much fewer interactive exercises and videos. Instead, LC-1111 emphasizes the writing process as well as improvement of your writing through peer and teacher feedback.For each week, you will independently study material, such as handouts, videos, and/or interactive exercises that support the writing process of a short feasibility report. Although most feedback will come from the teacher, at one point (Week 3), you will exchange your text with another student to see what others are writing about and also to gain a peer’s reaction to your writing communication (peer feedback).
Deadlines for the writing assignments:
The new week always begins Monday 00:00 of that week. Each week ends Sunday 23:59, unless otherwise stated. See the suggested hours of work needed for each week along with the schedule here: Weekly schedule and workload of LC-1111