
Työpajan aikajana 5 vaiheellaHyppää nykyisiin tehtäviin
Asetusten määrittely
Töiden palautus
  • Tehtävän lisätiedot Palautusten määräaika sunnuntaina 31. tammikuuta 2021, 23.59 (1334 päivää sitten)
Vertaisarvioiden arviointi
Nykyinen vaihe
Opettajan kirjoittama kooste työpajatyöskentelyn lopussa

Thank you for all students for the assessments! 

  • It seems everyone got 1-2 points. Good! 
  • Please sum up your points in the group, calculate an average, and let me know (e.g. via the group discussion area). 
  • Please also collect together the verbal feedback that you received. Please use that, and -- also your experience gained when making the peer review, and other insight you have gained since the first submission -- to improve your report jointly.
The DL's for submitting the final report pdf (and notes) and the video is 14.2. We will be viewing your videos during the lectures of the last week. Good luck!

Riikka Puurunen  

(P.S. Teacher's note to self, when using MyCo: I have been requested to provide a Conclusion for the activity, when in Grading evaluation phase, before I can move on. Was I writing in the right place in MyCo? This was under "Feedback" in "Edit settings".)