% Demo: Trying to maximize the likelihood % % x = observed data % family: one of these % 1 = normal N(mu, 2) [mu free, sigma fixed] % 2 = normal N(5, sigma) [mu fixed, sigma free] % 3 = uniform Unif(0, b) [left end fixed, right end free] % loga: if true, we plot the logarithm of likelihood % % The data are plotted as points. % Then the user can try different parameter values % by clicking with mouse. End by right click. % function paraest(x, family, loga) clf if nargin<1 || isempty(x) % fixed example data x = [2 3 6 9]; end if nargin<2 family = 1; end if nargin<3 loga = false; end fprintf('data has average %.4f\n', mean(x)) fprintf('data has std.dev. %.4f\n', std(x,1)) fprintf('data has maximum %.4f\n', max(x)) drawagain(x,family,nan,loga,true,false) % this vector collects all parameter values tried PARA = []; while true % take next input from user [para,~,button] = ginput(1); if button ~= 1, break; end if family==2, para=abs(para); end drawagain(x,family,para,loga,true,true); PARA = [PARA para]; end % finally try many more parameter values para=linspace(min(PARA), max(PARA), 100) drawagain(x,family,para,loga,false,true,true); end function drawagain(x,family,para,loga,drawdata,drawlik,connect) if nargin<4, loga=false; end if nargin<5, drawdata=false; end if nargin<6, drawlik=false; end if nargin<7, connect=false; end if nargin>=3 if family==1 a = para; b = repmat(2,size(para)); elseif family==2 a = repmat(5,size(para)); b = para; elseif family==3 a = repmat(0,size(para)); b = para; end end if drawdata subplot(1,2,1) cla plot(x,0,'b.','markersize',20); grid on hold on minx = -5; maxx = 20; set(gca,'xlim',[minx maxx]); if drawlik if family~=2 plot(para,0,'rx','markersize',40); end % plot the density function with current parameters xgrid = linspace(minx, maxx, 1000); if family==3 fgrid = unifpdf(xgrid,a,b); else fgrid = normpdf(xgrid,a,b); end plot(xgrid,fgrid,'-r','linewidth',2); for xi=x if family==3 fxi = unifpdf(xi,a,b); else fxi = normpdf(xi,a,b); end plot([xi xi],[0 fxi],'-r'); plot(xi,fxi,'.r','markersize',20); end plot([minx maxx],[0 0],'k-'); end end if drawlik % plot the value of the likelihood function L = nan(size(a)); for i=1:length(a) if family==3 L(i) = prod(unifpdf(x, a(i), b(i))); else L(i) = prod(normpdf(x, a(i), b(i))); end end if loga, L=log(L); end title('data and density') xlabel('data') ylabel('density') subplot(1,2,2) plot(para, L, 'r.', 'markersize', 20); hold on if connect plot(para, L, 'r-', 'linewidth', 2); end grid on if loga title('log likelihood'); xlabel('parameter value'); ylabel('l()'); else title('likelihood'); xlabel('parameter value'); ylabel('L()'); end %fprintf('L(%.4f) = %.9f\n', para, L); end end