#1.1 #a setwd("C:/Users/Omistaja/Documents/R") DATA <- read.table("DECATHLON.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t",row.names=1) # Nice way to check that the upload was succesful head(DATA) View(DATA) # Check the size of the data matrix dim(DATA) colnames(DATA) # Remove total points, height and weight from the analysis DEC <- DATA[,-c(1,12,13)] help("princomp") # Visualize the data plot(DEC) # Note that since DEC is of the type data.frame R automatically uses the function pairs to plot the variables plot(as.matrix(DEC))# see the difference # More related to different data types in the course Introduction to R-programming pairs(DEC) # A way to plot two specific variables with the names of the athletes: plot(DEC$R100m,DEC$R400m,xlab="Running 100m",ylab="Running 400m",type="n") text(DEC$R100m,DEC$R400m,labels=rownames(DEC)) DEC.PCA <- princomp(DEC,cor=FALSE) DEC.PCA$n.obs # number of observations names(DEC.PCA) DEC.PCA$call # input of the function DEC.PCA$scores # Y from lecture slides DEC.PCA$scale # Relevant when cor=TRUE DEC.PCA$center # The sample mean colMeans(DEC) # Same as above DEC.PCA$loadings #matrix of eigenvectors (G-matrix) (columns are eigenvectors) DEC.PCA$loadings[1,1] #How to access a single value from G DEC.PCA$sdev # The standard deviation of the principal components plot(DEC.PCA) # Plots the variances of the principal components (DEC.PCA$sdev)^2 # Note that the variances of the principal components are equal to the eigenvalues # of the covariance matrix of the original data matrix n <- nrow(DEC) DEC_cov <- (n-1)/n*cov(DEC) # Note that the princomp package uses the maximum likelihood estimator # of the covariance matrix (1/n divisor instead of 1/(n-1)) DEC_cov_eval <- eigen(DEC_cov)$values (DEC.PCA$sdev)^2 #Same values as above # DEC_cov_eval -(DEC.PCA$sdev)^2 #b summary(DEC.PCA) sum(DEC_cov_eval[1:4])/sum(DEC_cov_eval) # Approx 70% of the variation explained with 4 principal components #c # We mainly use the loadings to interpret the principal components DEC.PCA$loadings #Note that values close to 0 are not visible here #We choose the first 4 components by looking at the values of loadings and the cumulative proportional variance # Check what the sports are from wikipedia if you are not familiar with them. # PC visualization (Similar plot than biplot.princomp would achieve) PC1PC2 <- DEC.PCA$scores[,1:2] LD1LD2 <- DEC.PCA$loadings[,1:2] pc.axis <- c(-max(abs(PC1PC2)),max(abs(PC1PC2))) ld.axis <- c(-0.8,0.8) plot(PC1PC2, xlim = pc.axis, ylim = pc.axis, pch = 21, bg = 8, cex = 1.25) text(PC1PC2[,1], PC1PC2[,2],labels=rownames(DEC)) par(new = T) plot(LD1LD2, axes = F, type = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', xlim = ld.axis, ylim = ld.axis) axis(3, col = 2, tck = 0.025) axis(4, col = 2, tck = 0.025) arrows(0,0,LD1LD2[,1], LD1LD2[,2], length = 0.1, col = 2) text(LD1LD2[,1], LD1LD2[,2], rownames(LD1LD2), pos = 3) abline(h = 0, lty = 3) abline(v = 0, lty = 3) # 3rd and 4th component: Technique 1 and Technique 2 # These components explain sports that require a special technique to perform well. # Look the loadings yourself and determine which sports are related to these components. # NOTE: Often the best possible interpretations require the help of an expert related to the # phenomenon at hand. # d cov(DEC.PCA$scores) # Diagonal, as expected (n-1)/n*diag(cov(DEC.PCA$scores)) # The diagonal elements are equal to the variances of the principal components colMeans(DEC.PCA$scores) # Zero as expected