#getwd() #setwd("D:/Rcode") library(quantmod) library(lubridate) library(forecast) library(ggplot2) library(tseries) # Download data from FED's FRED database # Annual unemployment rate getSymbols('FPCPITOTLZGUSA',src='FRED') INF <- FPCPITOTLZGUSA class(INF) plot(INF, main = "US inflation") # Monthly unemployment rate getSymbols('UNRATE',src='FRED') UN <- UNRATE month <- month(UN) year <- year(UN) undata <- cbind(UN,year,month) head(undata) tail(undata) UN <- undata[(undata$year > 1959 & undata$year < 2020) & undata$month==12] UN <- ts(UN$UNRATE,start=c(1960,1),frequency=1) plot(UN, main = "US unemployment", lwd=2) ### OLS model # Phillips curve m1 <- lm(INF~UN) summary(m1) a <- m1$coefficients[1] b <- m1$coefficients[2] plot(as.double(UN),as.double(INF),ylab="INF",xlab="UN") abline(a=a,b=b) ### ARIMA models # Unemployment un <- ts(log(1+as.double(UN)/100),start=c(1960,1),frequency=1) class(un) # Inflation inf <- ts(log(1+as.double(INF)/100),start=c(1960)) class(inf) head(inf) #par(mfrow=c(2,1)) acf(inf) pacf(inf) m2 <- ar.mle(inf,order.max=10) # Select AR order m2 m3 <- arma(inf,order=c(3,0)) # Estimate AR(3) summary(m3) names(m3) m3.new <- Arima(inf,order=c(3,0,0)) m3.new # Plot characteristic roots from ARIMA model # Produces a plot of the inverse AR and MA roots # of an ARIMA model. Inverse roots outside the unit # circle are shown in red. plot(m3.new) autoplot(m3.new) graphics.off() m4 <- arima(inf,order=c(3,0,0)) # AR(3) m4 m5 <- arima(inf,order=c(3,0,0),xreg=un) # Exogenius variable un m5 m6 <- arima(inf,order=c(0,0,3)) # MA(3) m6 m7 <- arima(inf,order=c(1,0,1)) # ARIMA(1,0,1) m7 # Horse race BIC(m4,m5,m6,m7) tsdiag(m7) predict(m7,6) f <- predict(m7,6) names(f) fore <- f$pred*100 se <- f$se*100 up <- fore+1.96*se # 95% confidence limits down <- fore-1.96*se dat <- cbind(down,fore,up) dat ts.plot(dat,col=c("red","black","red"),main="Inflation forecast",lwd=2) m8 <- auto.arima(inf) m8 summary(m8) m8 <- arima(inf,order=c(0,0,2)) # ARIMA(0,0,2) m8 # Horse race BIC(m4,m5,m6,m7,m8) m7 <- Arima(inf,order=c(1,0,1)) m7 # Plot characteristic roots from ARIMA model # Produces a plot of the inverse AR and MA roots # of an ARIMA model. Inverse roots outside the unit # circle are shown in red. #par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(m7) autoplot(m7) graphics.off() ### Backtesting # US real gross domestic product, annual in 2012 dollars getSymbols('GDPCA',src='FRED') plot(GDPCA) head(GDPCA) tail(GDPCA) GDP <- GDPCA$GDPCA length(GDP) g.data <- ts(as.double(GDP),start=c(1929)) # Testing accuracy of the model by sampling: sample = log(g.data[1:82]) # Estimation sample test = log(g.data[83:92]) # Test sample arma.fit <- auto.arima(sample) # Fit an ARIMA model arma.fit arma.forecast <- forecast(arma.fit, h=10) arma.fit.accuracy <- accuracy(arma.forecast,test) arma.fit.accuracy ### Moving average in R # Making the forecast with the moving average (ma) g.movav <- forecast(ma(g.data, order=3), h=5) g.movav plot(g.movav,col="blue",lwd=4, main="Forecast of real GDP", ylab="In current USD") years <- seq(from=1929,to=2020,by=1) lines(years,GDP,col="red",type="b") ## Testing the accuracy of the forecasts ## Backtesting # Testing accuracy of the model by sampling g.ts.tst <- ts(g.data[1:20]) g.movav.tst <- forecast(ma(g.ts.tst,order=3),h=5) accuracy(g.movav.tst,g.data[22:26]) ### Basic exponential smmothing g.exp <- ses(g.data,5,initial="simple") g.exp # Simple exponential smoothing uses the last value as # the forecast and finds confidence intervals around it plot(g.exp,col="blue",lwd=4, main="Forecast of real GDP", ylab="In current USD") years <- seq(from=1929,to=2020,by=1) lines(years,GDP,col="red",type="b") ### Holt-Winters exponential smoothing # a.k.a triple exponential smoothing, takes into # account seasonal trend, here we do not have seasonality g.exp <- holt(g.data,5,initial="simple") g.exp # Holt exponential smoothing plot(g.exp,col="blue",lwd=4, main="Forecast of real GDP", ylab="In current USD") #years <- seq(from=1929,to=2020,by=1) lines(years,GDP,col="red",type="b") ### Seasonal decomposition # Divide up a time series into three components: the trend, seasonal # and remainder. Using Loess (STL) the STL is available within R # via the stl() function # We use the data nottem # Average monthly temperature at Nottingham, 1920-1939 nottem.stl <- stl(nottem, s.window="periodic") plot(nottem.stl) summary(nottem.stl) ### Exponential models # Both the Holt-Winters() function from the package stats, # and the forecast package can be used to exponential smoothing # Simple exponential: models level fit <- HoltWinters(g.data, beta=FALSE,gamma=FALSE) fit # Double exponential: models level and trend fit <- HoltWinters(g.data, gamma=FALSE) fit # Triple exponential: models level, trend and seasonal # components. This fails on the example, as there is no # seasonal component, since the data are annual # fit <- HoltWinters(g.data) # fit # Predictive accuracy accuracy(forecast(fit,5)) # Predict next 5 future values forecast(fit,5) plot(fit,col="blue",lwd=4, main="Forecast of real GDP", ylab="In current USD") #years <- seq(from=1929,to=2020,by=1) lines(years,GDP,col="red",type="b") # Since the DGP data did not show a seasonal pattern and # hence it was not possible to use the triple exponential # mode, we will consider another example. Temperatures should # certainly display a seasonal pattern. The dataset nottem # contaibs the daily temperatures in Nottingham from 1920 and # 1939. We use the Holt-Winters function and plot the results. @library(datasets) n.hw <- HoltWinters(nottem) n.hw n.hw.fc <- forecast(n.hw,50) plot(n.hw.fc)