setwd('~/Prediction/Week_6') # 6.1 # a) CONST<- read.table("Const.txt",header=T,sep=",",row.names=1) const <- ts(CONST$V1,start=1966, frequency=12) ts_plotter <- function(ts, lag_max) { par(mfrow = c(2,2)) plot(ts, main = 'Run Plot') acf(ts, main = 'Autocorrelation', lag.max = lag_max) pacf(ts, main = 'Partial Autocorrelation', lag.max = lag_max) spec <- spectrum(ts, plot = F) plot(spec$freq, spec$spec, main = 'Spectrum' , xlab = 'Frequency', ylab = 'Energy density') } ts_plotter(const,50) # Some sort of seasonal component modulates the shape of the time series # The expected value also seems to evolve as a function of time, though # the trend is not monotonic (i.e. increasing or decreasing over the range) # Perhaps some kind of polynomial trend would suffice for us. # In any case, the time series does not seem to be stationary. # We can think of the time series as being composed of three components # x_t = m_t + s_t + e_t # where m_t is the deterministic trend, s_t the deterministic seasonal and e_t the stochastic # component. # b) ?stl # The basic structure of this decomposition method: # (1) Extract the seasonal component by taking the mean of all seasonal sub-series # (when s.window = periodic). # (2) Remove the extracted seasonal component from the series and use local polynomial regression # i.e. fit low-degree polynomials using a small window of the data to extract the trend. # (LOESS = "Locally Estimated Scatter-Plot Smoothing") # (3) Remove the extracted trend from the seasonal component and add to the trend component # (4) Repeat the above for a couple of iterations. What remains is the stochastic component. stl_decomp <- stl(const, s.window = "per") plot(stl_decomp) # The bar on the right-hand side provides a reference range to evaluate the relative contribution # of each component. The smaller the component (relative to the remainder), the higher its contribution is # relative to noise. So in this case the seasonal component is not as substantial in explaining the # the variation of the time series as the trend component. # c) The linear filter given in the exercise is the Savitzky-Golay filter # # using a window of 13 observations and some low-degree polynomial. # The coefficients are obtained by minimizing a least squares loss function. ?filter const_filt <- filter(const, c(1,rep(2,11),1) * 1/24) stl_trend <- stl_decomp$time.series[,'trend'] plot(const,lty=3) lines(stl_trend, col="blue") lines(const_filt, lty=2, col="red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Time series","STL","Filter"), col=c(1,"blue",'red'), lty=c(3,1,2)) # The overall behavior of the trend estimates are similar but the filter trend is somewhat rougher # than the STL trend. Perhaps caused by the usage of higher order polynomials whereas STL uses # first order polynomials to perform the smoothing. # d) const_diff <- diff(diff(const, lag = 12)) const_diff_stl <- stl(const_diff, s.window = 'per') plot(const_diff_stl) # After differencing, the contribution of the seasonal and trend components have become minor # relative to the stochastic component. Such behavior indicates that the differenced time # series could be stationary. This kind of descriptive analysis is probably the most reasonable # way to use these model-less smoothing methods since it is very difficult to infer anything # about the precision or significance of the components. # 6.2 # a) library(forecast) simu <- read.table("arsimulation.txt",header=TRUE) data_6_2 <- apply(simu,2,ts, simplify = F) lapply(data_6_2, function(x) ts_plotter(x,50)) # The kurtosis of the distribution decreases when degrees of freedom increases # Thus large deviations are substantially more often observed when dof = 1. # b) models <- lapply(data_6_2, function(x) arima(x, order = c(1,0,0), include.mean = F, method = 'ML')) sapply(models, coef) # The estimated AR(1) parameters are quite close to the true parameter value # in all cases # c) set.seed(3141) interval_boot_helper <- function(data, min_len) { start = sample(1:(length(data) - min_len + 1), size = 1) end = sample((start + min_len - 1):length(data), size = 1) coef(arima(data[start:end], order = c(1,0,0), include.mean = F, method = 'ML')) } boot_replicator <- function(n_boot ,data, min_len) { replicate(n_boot,interval_boot_helper(data, min_len)) } n_boot <- 5000 alpha <- 0.05 X_boot <- boot_replicator(n_boot, data_6_2$X, 10) Y_boot <- boot_replicator(n_boot, data_6_2$Y, 10) Z_boot <- boot_replicator(n_boot, data_6_2$Z, 10) boot_samples <- cbind(X_boot, Y_boot, Z_boot) apply(boot_samples, 2, function(x) quantile(x, probs = c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2) )) #boot_samples <- sapply(data_6_2, function(x) boot_replicator(n_boot, x, 10)) # d) # An important observation with regards to the residual processes is that the moments of the t-distribution # with n degree of freedom are defined up to order n-1. Thus process (1) has residuals with an undefined # expected value and variance. Since the variance has to be well-defined (i.e. finite), the process (1) # is not weakly stationary. # The remaining processes have finite variance. Since the AR(1) coefficient is |.| < 1 and the residuals # are mutually independent w.r.t. themselves and past elements of the time series, they are weakly stationary. # 6.3 library(KFAS) # Linear State Space Model (LSSM) # A flexible generalization of the SARIMA models (i.e. all SARIMA models can be represented as # linear state-space models). LSSM processes do not need to be stationarity. # Basic definition: # Hidden state x_t, observation y_t # x_{t+1} = Tx_t + Rn_t, n_t ~ N(0,Q) # State Process # y_t = Zx_t + e_t, e_t ~ N(0,H) # Observation Process # x_1 ~ N(x_1, P_1) # Noise terms and the initial state distribution are mutually independent. # In the lecture slides, we are concerned with inferring properties of the hidden # states x_t given the model parameters, mainly its expected value and variance. # There are various different ways of incorporating the observations to the inference. # The two main ways are: Filtering Distribution P(x_t | y_t, y_{t-1}, ..., y_1) # Smoothing Distribution P(x_t | y_T, y_{T-1}, ..., y_1) where T is the final observed time point. # We also consider the Predictive Distribution P(x_t | y_{t-1}, ..., y_1) # Which one of them is useful to you depends on what the use case is. Smoothing is probably useful # if you are performing retrospective analysis i.e. all data has already been collected. # Filtering is more useful in online cases where observations are received sequentially, especially # if there are control inputs to the system. # Kalman Filter is an algorithm which can be used to calculate the distributions of the hidden state # given above. The recursive update equations show that we only need to keep track of the current # state prediction and its variance which is again useful for online applications. # Check the Wikipedia article, you can find derivations and other interesting material about the # update equations. # Roughly speaking, the Filter incorporates the current observation to the # running state estimate using the optimal Kalman Gain which minimizes the mean square error # related to the state estimate. # The estimation of the model parameters is not really discussed in this course. # The approach is maximum likelihood but it is complicated by the fact that # the model involves hidden states. The traditional way of dealing with this # is the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm which is discussed at least in # the course Advanced Probabilistic Methods. alko <-ts(read.table("alcoholdeaths.txt"),start=1969) # Our model: # mu_{t+1} = mu_t + v + n_t, n_t ~ N(0,Q) # y_t = mu_t + e_t, e_t ~ N(0,H) # Construct the hidden state from mu_t and v. a1 <- c(0,0) # Mean vector for the initial state Zt <- matrix(c(1, 0), 1, 2) # Emission matrix Ht <- matrix(NA) # Observation noise variance Tt <- matrix(c(1, 0, 1, 1), 2, 2) # Transition matrix Rt <- matrix(c(1, 0), 2, 1) # State noise matrix Qt <- matrix(NA) # State noise variance P1 <- matrix(0, 2, 2) # Non-diffuse state covariance matrix P1inf <- diag(2) # Diffuse state indicator matrix ?SSModel # Specify the model model_gaussian <- SSModel(alko~-1+SSMcustom(a1=a1,Z=Zt,T=Tt,R = Rt,Q=Qt, P1=P1,P1inf=P1inf),H=Ht) ?fitSSM # ML estimation of the variance parameters fit_gaussian <- fitSSM(model_gaussian, inits = c(0, 0)) # ML estimates fit_gaussian$model$Q # State noise variance fit_gaussian$model$H # Observation noise variance ?KFS # Filtering, smoothing, whatever distribution you want to know. hidden_state_infer <- KFS(fit_gaussian$model) plot(alko, ylab = 'Deaths per 100 000') lines(hidden_state_infer$a[,1],col="red") # One-step-ahead predictions of state lines(hidden_state_infer$alphahat[,1],col='blue') # Smoothed states legend('topleft', legend = c('Original', 'Prediction', 'Smoothed'), col = c('black', 'red','blue'), lty = 1) pred_states <- hidden_state_infer$a[,1] std_pred_states <- sqrt(hidden_state_infer$P[1,1,]) arrows(x0=time(alko), y0=pred_states - std_pred_states, x1=time(alko), y1=pred_states + std_pred_states, code=3, angle=90, length=0.1) # For the drift, we can check how the predictions evolve hidden_state_infer$a[,2] # The last value is 0.84 hidden_state_infer$alphahat[,2] # Equal everywhere as expected