% l = CalcContactLine(gE) % % Calculates contact line length l for 10 mul droplet. % % gE = Acceleration due to gravity and magnetic field (g) % % l = Contact line length (mm) % % The contact line length depends on the normal force acting on the % droplet and the contact angle. According to the article "Candle-based % process for creating a stable superhydrophobic surface" the contact % angle for soot covered glass is 162 deg, so that value is used here. % Contact line length was precalculated numerically using Young-Laplace % equation. function [l]=CalcContactLine(gE) % Contact line length was calculated numerically for gE = 0..6. This data % was fitted with a smoothing spline. CLfit=importdata('Contact line length fit.mat'); l=feval(CLfit,gE);