% Author: P. Marttinen (2015) clear clf; rng(1); % Set random number generator. % SIMULATE THE TRUE DATA SET num_samples = 10; % Try e.g. values between 5 and 10000 lambda_true = 4; % precision mu_true = 2; % mean sigma_true = 1/sqrt(lambda_true); % standard deviation data_set = normrnd(mu_true, sigma_true, num_samples, 1); histogram_edges = 0:0.25:4; hist(data_set, histogram_edges); title(['Histogram of ' num2str(num_samples) ' samples from N(' num2str(mu_true) ',' num2str(sigma_true) '^2).']); pause % SPECIFY PRIORS % lambda is the precision parameter of the unknown Gaussian % and it is given a prior distribution Gamma(a0,b0), % (a0 is the 'shape' and b0 the 'rate') a0 = 0.01; b0 = 0.01; % These correspond to a noninformative prior % mu is the mean parameter of the unknown Gaussian % and it is given a prior distribution that depends on % lambda: N(mu0, (beta0*lambda)^-1) mu0 = 0; beta0 = 0.001; % Low precision corresponds to high variance % (This is the so-called Normal-Gamma(mu0, beta0, a0, b0) % prior distribution for mu and lambda) % LEARN THE POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTION % Due to conjugacy, the posterior distribution is also % Normal-Gamma(mu_n, beta_n, a_n, b_n) sample_mean = sum(data_set) / num_samples; sample_var = sum((data_set - sample_mean).^2) / num_samples; a_n = a0 + num_samples / 2; b_n = b0 + (num_samples * sample_var ... + (beta0 * num_samples * (sample_mean-mu0)^2) ... / (beta0 + num_samples)) / 2; mu_n = (mu0 * beta0 + num_samples * sample_mean) ... / (beta0 + num_samples); beta_n = beta0 + num_samples; % PLOT THE PRIOR AND THE POSTERIOR DISTRIBUTIONS % Plot distribution of lambda, the precision lambda_range = 0:0.01:10; prior_lambda_pdf = gampdf(lambda_range, a0, 1/b0); posterior_lambda_pdf = gampdf(lambda_range, a_n, 1/b_n); clf set(gcf,'DefaultAxesFontSize',14); set(gcf,'DefaultTextFontSize',16); set(gcf,'DefaultLineLineWidth',2); set(gca,'ytick',[],'box','on'); plot(lambda_range, [prior_lambda_pdf;posterior_lambda_pdf]'); hold on max_y = max(get(gca, 'YLim')); line([lambda_true,lambda_true],[0,max_y], 'Color','black'); % Show the true value title('lambda') legend('Prior','Posterior','Location','northeast') pause hold off % Plot distribution of mu, the mean mu_range = 1:0.01:3; % Because mu depends on lambda, we need to integrate over % lambda. We do this by Monte Carlo integration (i.e. % average over multiple simulated lambdas) gamma_prior_samples = gamrnd(a0, 1/b0, 1, 100); sum_prior_mu_pdf = zeros(1,length(mu_range)); for gamma_sample = gamma_prior_samples prior_mu_pdf = normpdf(mu_range, mu0, 1/sqrt((beta0*gamma_sample))); sum_prior_mu_pdf = sum_prior_mu_pdf + prior_mu_pdf; end prior_mu_pdf = sum_prior_mu_pdf / length(gamma_prior_samples); gamma_posterior_samples = gamrnd(a_n, 1/b_n, 1, 100); sum_posterior_mu_pdf = zeros(1, length(mu_range)); for gamma_sample = gamma_posterior_samples posterior_mu_pdf = normpdf(mu_range, mu_n, 1/sqrt(beta_n*gamma_sample)); sum_posterior_mu_pdf = sum_posterior_mu_pdf + posterior_mu_pdf; end posterior_mu_pdf = sum_posterior_mu_pdf / length(gamma_prior_samples); clf plot(mu_range, [prior_mu_pdf;posterior_mu_pdf]'); hold on max_y = max(get(gca, 'YLim')); line([mu_true,mu_true],[0,max_y], 'Color','black'); % Show the true value. title('mu') legend('Prior','Posterior','Location','northeast') pause hold off % PLOT THE TRUE AND ESTIMATED DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE SAMPLES % We estimate the parameters with the mean of the posterior distribution mu_hat = sum(posterior_mu_pdf .* mu_range) / sum(posterior_mu_pdf); lambda_hat = sum(posterior_lambda_pdf .* lambda_range) / sum(posterior_lambda_pdf); full_dist_range = -2:0.1:6; true_pdf = normpdf(full_dist_range, mu_true, sigma_true); estimated_pdf = normpdf(full_dist_range, mu_hat, 1/sqrt(lambda_hat)); clf plot(full_dist_range, [true_pdf;estimated_pdf]'); hold on title('Distribution of the samples') legend('True','Estimated','Location','northeast')