########################### # MS-C1620 # Statistical inference # Lecture 10 library(car) library(MASS) library(glmnet) library(plotmo) ########################################################## # Variable selection using backward/forward selection # Cut-off value 0.05 ################### # Swiss fertility data head(swiss) swiss_lm_1 <- lm(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss) summary(swiss_lm_1) # Backward selection # We drop "Examination" swiss_lm_2 <- lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture + Education + Catholic + Infant.Mortality, data = swiss) summary(swiss_lm_2) # All variables have p-values < 0.05 and the final model is # Fertility ~ Agriculture + Education + Catholic + Infant.Mortality # I.e. Agriculture, Education, Catholic, Infant.Mortality are the important variables # Forward selection # Use each variable in turn as the only predictor summary(lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Examination, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Education, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Catholic, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Infant.Mortality, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] # Education has the smallest p-value below 0.05 -> add that to the model # Try again adding each other on top of education summary(lm(Fertility ~ Education + Agriculture, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Education + Examination, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Education + Catholic, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Education + Infant.Mortality, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] # Catholic has the smallest p-value below 0.05 -> add that to the model summary(lm(Fertility ~ Catholic + Education + Agriculture, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Catholic + Education + Examination, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Catholic + Education + Infant.Mortality, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] # Infant.Mortality has the smallest p-value below 0.05 -> add that to the model summary(lm(Fertility ~ Infant.Mortality + Catholic + Education + Agriculture, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] summary(lm(Fertility ~ Infant.Mortality + Catholic + Education + Examination, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] # Agriculture has the smallest p-value below 0.05 -> add that to the model summary(lm(Fertility ~ Agriculture + Infant.Mortality + Catholic + Education + Examination, data = swiss))$coef[, 4] # Only Examination is left to add and it gets a p-value larger than 0.05 -> not added to the model # The final model is # Fertility ~ Agriculture + Infant.Mortality + Catholic + Education # I.e. the same result as with backward selection ###################################################### # AIC, BIC and adjusted R-squared # Create all possible models library(plyr) all.subsets <- function(set) { n <- length(set) bin <- expand.grid(rlply(n, c(F, T))) mlply(bin, function(...) { set[c(...)] }) } list_models <- lapply(all.subsets(c("Agriculture", "Education", "Examination", "Catholic", "Infant.Mortality")), function(char) paste(char, collapse = " + ")) # Make objects for AIC, BIC and adjusted R-squared values AICs <- numeric(32) BICs <- numeric(32) AR2s <- numeric(32) # The empty model is done separately swiss_empty <- lm(Fertility ~ 1, data = swiss) AICs[1] <- AIC(swiss_empty) BICs[1] <- BIC(swiss_empty) AR2s[1] <- summary(swiss_empty)$adj.r.squared # Go through all non-empty models for(i in 2:32){ swiss_i <- lm(as.formula(paste0("Fertility ~ ", list_models[[i]])), data = swiss) AICs[i] <- AIC(swiss_i) BICs[i] <- BIC(swiss_i) AR2s[i] <- summary(swiss_i)$adj.r.squared } AICs BICs AR2s # Model with the best/minimal AIC list_models[[which.min(AICs)]] # Same as with backward and forward selection with p-values # Model with the best/minimal BIC list_models[[which.min(BICs)]] # Same as with backward and forward selection with p-values # Model with the best/maximal adjusted R-squared list_models[[which.max(AR2s)]] # Disagrees with the previous! Included also Examination ############################################################### # Extra example: Step-wise AIC variable selection in diabetes data # Diabetes data library(lars) library(MASS) # Data with 442 with diabetes patients. For each, their disease progression one year after the baseline # was measured (the response "dia"), along with 10 baseline covariates/explanatory variables. data(diabetes) diabetes_1 <- cbind(diabetes$y, diabetes$x) colnames(diabetes_1)[1] <- "dia" diabetes_1 <- data.frame(diabetes_1) # Backward selection with AIC as criterion step(lm(dia ~ ., data = diabetes_1), direction = "backward") # Final model includes sex, bmi, map, tc, ldl, ltg # Forward selection with AIC as criterion step(lm(dia ~ 1, data = diabetes_1), scope = list(lower = lm(dia ~ 1, data = diabetes_1), upper = lm(dia ~ ., data = diabetes_1)), direction = "forward") # Final model includes again sex, bmi, map, tc, ldl, ltg ########################################################## # Ridge regression and LASSO ################### # Swiss fertility data head(swiss) ##### Ridge regression # Using a single value of lambda does not really tell us anything swiss_ridge <- glmnet(as.matrix(swiss[, 2:6]), as.matrix(swiss[, 1]), alpha = 0, lambda = 3) swiss_ridge$beta # Instead, we compute the solution for a large set of lambdas # and plot the results (ridge profiles) as a function of lambda swiss_ridge <- glmnet(as.matrix(swiss[, 2:6]), as.matrix(swiss[, 1]), alpha = 0) swiss_ridge$lambda plot_glmnet(swiss_ridge, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) # It is difficult to do variable selection based on the ridge plot # as none of the coefficients are exactly zero... ##### LASSO # LASSO solution swiss_lasso <- glmnet(as.matrix(swiss[, 2:6]), as.matrix(swiss[, 1]), alpha = 1) swiss_lasso$lambda # LASSO profiles plot_glmnet(swiss_lasso, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) # 10-fold cross-validation to select the value of lambda # C-V is random, and we fix the random seed so the results correspond to the text below... set.seed(12022019) swiss_cv <- cv.glmnet(as.matrix(swiss[, 2:6]), as.matrix(swiss[, 1]), alpha = 1, nfolds = 10) # The plot of lambda vs. prediction error. plot(swiss_cv) # The minimizing value: swiss_cv$lambda.min # The largest value still within 1 s.e. of optimality swiss_cv$lambda.1se plot_glmnet(swiss_lasso, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) abline(v = log(swiss_cv$lambda.min)) abline(v = log(swiss_cv$lambda.1se), lty = 2) coef(glmnet(as.matrix(swiss[, 2:6]), as.matrix(swiss[, 1]), alpha = 1, lambda = swiss_cv$lambda.1se)) # The LASSO suggests to retain all variables but agriculture # # Unlike It also holds Examination in great regard -> this is because LASSO does not say # anything about inference, it simple chooses the predictors that best predict # the response values, regardless of whether they were deemed statistically significant ##################### # Diabetes data head(diabetes_1) ##### Ridge regression diabetes_ridge <- glmnet(as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 2:11]), as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 1]), alpha = 0) diabetes_ridge$lambda # Ridge profiles plot_glmnet(diabetes_ridge, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) # Again, difficult to say what's going on, especially on the right end of the plot # (where we have the least amount of "money" and our choices matter the most) ##### LASSO diabetes_lasso <- glmnet(as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 2:11]), as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 1]), alpha = 1) diabetes_lasso$lambda # LASSO profiles plot_glmnet(diabetes_lasso, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) # 10-fold cross-validation to select the value of lambda set.seed(12022019) diabetes_cv <- cv.glmnet(as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 2:11]), as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 1]), alpha = 1, nfolds = 10) # The plot of lambda vs. prediction error. plot(diabetes_cv) # The minimizing value: diabetes_cv$lambda.min # The largest value still within 1 s.e. of optimality diabetes_cv$lambda.1se plot_glmnet(diabetes_lasso, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) abline(v = log(diabetes_cv$lambda.min)) abline(v = log(diabetes_cv$lambda.1se), lty = 2) coef(glmnet(as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 2:11]), as.matrix(diabetes_1[, 1]), alpha = 1, lambda = diabetes_cv$lambda.1se)) # LASSO picks the variables: # bmi, map, hdl, ltg # Much fewer than the other methods... ##################### # Prostate cancer data # Data to examine the correlation between the level of prostate-specific antigen # and a number of clinical measures in men who were about to receive a radical prostatectomy. # The goal is to predict the level of the antigen given the other variables. # note: requires ElemStatLearn which was not installed library(ElemStatLearn) data(prostate) head(prostate) prostate_lasso <- glmnet(as.matrix(prostate[, 1:8]), as.matrix(prostate[, 9]), alpha = 1) plot_glmnet(prostate_lasso, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) # The results quite clearly identify 3 key variables: # lcavol, lweight, svi # 10-fold cross-validation to select the value of lambda set.seed(12022019) prostate_cv <- cv.glmnet(as.matrix(prostate[, 1:8]), as.matrix(prostate[, 9]), alpha = 1, nfolds = 10) plot_glmnet(prostate_lasso, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE) abline(v = log(prostate_cv$lambda.min)) abline(v = log(prostate_cv$lambda.1se), lty = 2) coef(glmnet(as.matrix(prostate[, 1:8]), as.matrix(prostate[, 9]), alpha = 1, lambda = prostate_cv$lambda.1se))