* This do-file creates the graphs used in Lecture 5 of Principles of Empirical Analysis * Created by Matti Sarvimäki, January 2021 * Last modified by Prottoy A. Akbar, January 2024 clear all set matsize 11000 set seed 12345 global home "C:/Users/akbarp1/Dropbox (Aalto)/Teaching/Principles_of_Empirical_Analysis/prottoy" global data "$home/data/ChattopadhyayDuflo_data/" global output "$home/figures" * --- Setting up the data --- * Let's take a look at the full content of the data downloaded from * https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=hdl:1902.1/USBFNOMLAT desc using "$data/womenpolicymakers_parta.dta" desc using "$data/womenpolicymakers_partb.dta" desc using "$data/womenpolicymakers_partc.dta" desc using "$data/womenpolicymakers_partd.dta" * Load only the variables we need for our analysis use gpnum prvill twprrt twprbt twpubt twpurt twgprt twgpbt twgprt twgpbt wwpubt wwpurt wwprbt wwprrt using "$data/womenpolicymakers_partc.dta", clear * merge with treatment status merge m:1 gpnum using "$data/womenpolicymakers_parta.dta", nogen keepusing(womres) * Use the same sample criterion as in the paper drop if prvil=="YES" * Outcome variable egen y=rsum(twprrt twprbt twpubt twpurt twgprt twgpbt twgprt twgpbt wwpubt wwpurt wwprbt wwprrt ) * Treatment variable gen D=1 if womres==1 replace D=0 if womres==2 * (coding for womres: 1= no, 2 = yes) * Aggregatin the data into GP level collapse (mean) y D, by(gpnum) * --- Compare to Chattopadhyay and Duflo, Table V --- * Approach 1: Use Stata's summarize command and collect the averages into a matrix sum y if D==0 local yC=r(mean) sum y if D==1 local yT=r(mean) local dif=`yT'-`yC' di "Difference between treated and control: " `dif' matrix main_result=`yT',`yC', `dif' matrix list main_result * Approach 2: Use Stata's ttest command ttest y, by(D) * Approach 3: Use regression regress y D * Note that all approaches give us the same results, but they are not exactly * the same as in Chattopadhyay and Duflo, Table V. This is likely due to * me constructing the outcome variable slightly differently than they do. * In any case, for the purpose of this lecture, we get close enough. * --- Simulate the randomization inference test distribution --- matrix rand_inf=J(1,3,.) /* setting up a matrix used in the program below */ * Let's create a little program that allocates 54 randomly chosen GPs into treatment group capture program drop randinf program def randinf * Here is one way to do the randomization: gen random_number=uniform() /* generate a random number */ egen rank=rank(random_number) /* use the random number to put the observatins into a random order */ gen D_ri=(rank<=54) /* allocate the 54 first observations into the "treatment" group */ * Tkae the averages sum y if D_ri==0 local yC=r(mean) sum y if D_ri==1 local yT=r(mean) * Add a new row to the results matrix with the averages and their difference matrix rand_inf= rand_inf\(`yT',`yC', (`yT'-`yC')) drop random_number rank D_ri end * Let's now create a loop that runs the program many times forvalues round=1(1)10000{ quietly: randinf di "`round' " _c } * --- Draw figures of the simulation results --- * turning the results matrix into data svmat rand_inf * drawing histrograms local dif="9.5577189" local opt "bin(100) xtitle("") ytitle("") xsize(18) ysize(20) xlab(-15(5)15)" hist rand_inf3, xline(`dif', lc(gs10)) `opt' text(.08 10.5 "point estimate", orient(rvertical)) graph export "$output/CD_ri_fig1.pdf", replace hist rand_inf3, xline(-`dif' `dif', lc(gs10)) `opt' text(.08 10.5 "point estimate", orient(rvertical)) text(.085 -10.3 "-point estimate", orient(rvertical)) graph export "$output/CD_ri_fig2.pdf", replace hist rand_inf3, `opt' graph export "$output/CD_ri_fig3.pdf", replace hist rand_inf3, `opt' norm graph export "$output/CD_ri_fig4.pdf", replace * calculating the share of simulation round giving larger differneces than the one we actually observe gen ri_pvalue_1s=(rand_inf3>`dif') replace ri_pvalue_1s=. if rand_inf3==. gen ri_pvalue_2s=(rand_inf3>`dif' | rand_inf3<-`dif') replace ri_pvalue_2s=. if rand_inf3==. sum ri_pvalue* * standard error and range of the simulation distribution sum rand_inf3, d * save the data in case we'd like to look at again * (without running all the simulations again) save "$data/randomization_inference", replace