Note that the actual code displayed in the html file is Matlab code.
from IPython.display import HTML
Note: when calculating the error, I followed K. Sudhir's example (Yale school of management) and took the maximum of the absolute values of the differences in mean utilities. Conlon and Gortmaker (2020) take the norm of vector subtraction.
You were asked to estimate the model using the exogenous demand shifters and exogenous cost shifters as instruments. The possible instruments include
Note that you also have many options when using the competitors' characteristics as instruments: You could take a sum of the characteristics of all competitors or you could take the closest competitor's characteristic as a single instrument and the sum of the other competitors' characteristics as another instrument. The "within-nest" instruments may be stronger and you could also just use those as instruments. Let's try this using the following instruments:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyblp
pyblp.options.verbose = True
pyblp.options.digits = 4
from tabulate import tabulate
import time
product_data = pd.read_excel('boat_data.xlsx')
Note that pyBLP recognizes the demand instruments by the variable names. So, you should name your instruments demand_instruments0, demand_instruments1 and so on.
# Own cost shifter
product_data = product_data.rename(columns={'cost_shifter': 'demand_instruments0'})
# Closest competitor's cost shifter
product_data['demand_instruments1']= product_data.groupby(['market_ids', 'roof'])['demand_instruments0'].transform("sum") - product_data['demand_instruments0']
# Closest competitor's quality
product_data['demand_instruments2']= product_data.groupby(['market_ids', 'roof'])['quality'].transform("sum") - product_data['quality']
# Sum of the other competitors' cost shifters
product_data['demand_instruments3']= product_data.groupby(['market_ids'])['demand_instruments0'].transform("sum") - product_data['demand_instruments0'] - product_data['demand_instruments1']
# Sum of the other competitors' qualities
product_data['demand_instruments4']= product_data.groupby(['market_ids'])['quality'].transform("sum") - product_data['quality'] - product_data['demand_instruments2']
prices | shares | length | quality | demand_instruments0 | roof | firm_ids | market_ids | demand_instruments1 | demand_instruments2 | demand_instruments3 | demand_instruments4 | |
0 | 5.858942 | 0.498415 | 9.336710 | 1.229133 | 0.802284 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1.520421 | 0.752459 | 1.094955 | 1.098638 |
1 | 4.600115 | 0.102175 | 7.092352 | 0.752459 | 1.520421 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0.802284 | 1.229133 | 1.094955 | 1.098638 |
2 | 1.000218 | 0.004851 | 6.159682 | 0.341548 | 0.334998 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0.759957 | 0.757090 | 2.322705 | 1.981593 |
3 | 3.233179 | 0.216493 | 5.780847 | 0.757090 | 0.759957 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 0.334998 | 0.341548 | 2.322705 | 1.981593 |
4 | 3.827983 | 0.354432 | 9.336710 | 0.573911 | 0.164722 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0.762669 | 0.879428 | 1.483692 | 2.171100 |
X1_formulation = pyblp.Formulation('0 + quality + length + prices + roof') #Linear demand parameters
X2_formulation = pyblp.Formulation('0 + roof') #Nonlinear demand model, i.e. random coef variabels. 0 for no random coefficient on the constant
product_formulations = (X1_formulation, X2_formulation)
n_sim = 5000
mc_integration = pyblp.Integration('monte_carlo', size = n_sim, specification_options={'seed': 0}) ## Monte carlo simulation for integration in the inner loop
problem = pyblp.Problem(product_formulations, product_data, integration = mc_integration) ## Formulate problem: combine Formulation, product_data, and the Integration configuration
Initializing the problem ... Initialized the problem after 00:00:02. Dimensions: ========================================== T N F I K1 K2 MD ---- ---- --- ------- ---- ---- ---- 1000 4000 4 5000000 4 1 8 ========================================== Formulations: ============================================================ Column Indices: 0 1 2 3 ----------------------------- ------- ------ ------ ---- X1: Linear Characteristics quality length prices roof X2: Nonlinear Characteristics roof ============================================================
bfgs = pyblp.Optimization('bfgs', {'gtol': 1e-4}) ## Use Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm within PyBlp
initial_sigma = np.ones((1,1)) ## An initial guess for the nonlinear parameters
#Note that as meantioned in the tutorial, this is a simpler, non-default optimization configuration
#and the tolerance is relatively loose.
# Solve in parallel
with pyblp.parallel(6):
results = problem.solve(
initial_sigma, # Initial sigmas
optimization=bfgs, ## Artelys Knitro is best practice but commercial
method='1s' ## 1 Step GMM, it should be okay if you didn't specify this
Starting a pool of 6 processes ... Started the process pool after 00:00:00. Solving the problem ... Nonlinear Coefficient Initial Values: ================== Sigma: roof ------ ---------- roof +1.000E+00 ================== Starting optimization ... GMM Computation Optimization Objective Fixed Point Contraction Clipped Objective Objective Gradient Step Time Iterations Evaluations Iterations Evaluations Shares Value Improvement Norm Theta ---- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- 1 00:03:48 0 1 7504 23273 0 +1.933E+02 +8.415E+01 +1.000E+00 1 00:03:21 0 2 8837 27088 0 +1.041E+02 +8.913E+01 +8.319E+01 +2.010E+00 1 00:03:10 0 3 10022 30705 0 +1.249E+02 +1.127E+02 +6.050E+00 1 00:03:26 0 4 9574 29313 0 +1.214E+01 +9.200E+01 +2.271E+00 +3.968E+00 1 00:03:51 1 5 9631 29488 0 +1.213E+01 +1.236E-02 +1.977E+00 +4.050E+00 1 00:03:16 2 6 9605 29408 0 +1.211E+01 +2.084E-02 +1.322E+00 +4.037E+00 1 00:04:41 3 7 9581 29358 0 +1.209E+01 +1.690E-02 +2.621E-03 +4.012E+00 1 00:04:20 4 8 9578 29362 0 +1.209E+01 +6.654E-08 +3.522E-06 +4.012E+00 Optimization completed after 00:29:53. Computing the Hessian and estimating standard errors ... Computed results after 00:09:12. Problem Results Summary: ====================================================================================== GMM Objective Gradient Clipped Weighting Matrix Covariance Matrix Step Value Norm Hessian Shares Condition Number Condition Number ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------------- ----------------- 1 +1.209E+01 +3.522E-06 +5.162E+01 0 +4.491E+02 +1.162E+04 ====================================================================================== Cumulative Statistics: =========================================================================== Computation Optimizer Optimization Objective Fixed Point Contraction Time Converged Iterations Evaluations Iterations Evaluations ----------- --------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 00:39:05 Yes 5 9 83910 257357 =========================================================================== Nonlinear Coefficient Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ==================== Sigma: roof ------ ------------ roof +4.012E+00 (+4.019E-01) ==================== Beta Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ====================================================== quality length prices roof ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ +2.008E+00 +5.285E-01 -2.042E+00 +3.812E+00 (+7.854E-02) (+3.284E-02) (+8.561E-02) (+1.432E-01) ====================================================== Terminating the pool of 6 processes ... Terminated the process pool after 00:00:00.
Problem Results Summary: ====================================================================================== GMM Objective Gradient Clipped Weighting Matrix Covariance Matrix Step Value Norm Hessian Shares Condition Number Condition Number ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------------- ----------------- 1 +1.209E+01 +3.522E-06 +5.162E+01 0 +4.491E+02 +1.162E+04 ====================================================================================== Cumulative Statistics: =========================================================================== Computation Optimizer Optimization Objective Fixed Point Contraction Time Converged Iterations Evaluations Iterations Evaluations ----------- --------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 00:39:05 Yes 5 9 83910 257357 =========================================================================== Nonlinear Coefficient Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ==================== Sigma: roof ------ ------------ roof +4.012E+00 (+4.019E-01) ==================== Beta Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ====================================================== quality length prices roof ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ +2.008E+00 +5.285E-01 -2.042E+00 +3.812E+00 (+7.854E-02) (+3.284E-02) (+8.561E-02) (+1.432E-01) ======================================================
Notice that the estimates are very close to the true parameter values
#Optimal instruments
updated_problem = results.compute_optimal_instruments(method='approximate').to_problem()
with pyblp.parallel(6):
updated_results = updated_problem.solve(
Computing optimal instruments for theta ... Computed optimal instruments after 00:00:03. Optimal Instrument Results Summary: ======================= Computation Error Term Time Draws ----------- ---------- 00:00:03 1 ======================= Re-creating the problem ... Re-created the problem after 00:00:00. Dimensions: ========================================== T N F I K1 K2 MD ---- ---- --- ------- ---- ---- ---- 1000 4000 4 5000000 4 1 5 ========================================== Formulations: ============================================================ Column Indices: 0 1 2 3 ----------------------------- ------- ------ ------ ---- X1: Linear Characteristics quality length prices roof X2: Nonlinear Characteristics roof ============================================================ Starting a pool of 6 processes ... Started the process pool after 00:00:00. Solving the problem ... Nonlinear Coefficient Initial Values: ================== Sigma: roof ------ ---------- roof +4.012E+00 ================== Starting optimization ... GMM Computation Optimization Objective Fixed Point Contraction Clipped Objective Objective Gradient Step Time Iterations Evaluations Iterations Evaluations Shares Value Improvement Norm Theta ---- ----------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- 1 00:02:56 0 1 9578 29362 0 +3.220E-04 +3.200E-01 +4.012E+00 1 00:02:59 0 2 9456 28925 0 +7.941E+00 +4.963E+01 +3.692E+00 1 00:02:53 0 3 9578 29361 0 +1.689E-10 +3.220E-04 +2.317E-04 +4.010E+00 1 00:02:52 1 4 9590 29388 0 +1.902E-18 +1.689E-10 +2.460E-08 +4.010E+00 Optimization completed after 00:11:40. Computing the Hessian and estimating standard errors ... Computed results after 00:08:41. Problem Results Summary: ====================================================================================== GMM Objective Gradient Clipped Weighting Matrix Covariance Matrix Step Value Norm Hessian Shares Condition Number Condition Number ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------------- ----------------- 1 +1.902E-18 +2.460E-08 +1.590E+02 0 +4.324E+04 +3.907E+03 ====================================================================================== Cumulative Statistics: =========================================================================== Computation Optimizer Optimization Objective Fixed Point Contraction Time Converged Iterations Evaluations Iterations Evaluations ----------- --------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 00:20:21 Yes 2 5 47792 146424 =========================================================================== Nonlinear Coefficient Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ==================== Sigma: roof ------ ------------ roof +4.010E+00 (+2.296E-01) ==================== Beta Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ====================================================== quality length prices roof ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ +2.007E+00 +5.284E-01 -2.042E+00 +3.812E+00 (+6.506E-02) (+2.911E-02) (+7.181E-02) (+1.153E-01) ====================================================== Terminating the pool of 6 processes ... Terminated the process pool after 00:00:00.
Problem Results Summary: ====================================================================================== GMM Objective Gradient Clipped Weighting Matrix Covariance Matrix Step Value Norm Hessian Shares Condition Number Condition Number ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------------- ----------------- 1 +1.902E-18 +2.460E-08 +1.590E+02 0 +4.324E+04 +3.907E+03 ====================================================================================== Cumulative Statistics: =========================================================================== Computation Optimizer Optimization Objective Fixed Point Contraction Time Converged Iterations Evaluations Iterations Evaluations ----------- --------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 00:20:21 Yes 2 5 47792 146424 =========================================================================== Nonlinear Coefficient Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ==================== Sigma: roof ------ ------------ roof +4.010E+00 (+2.296E-01) ==================== Beta Estimates (Robust SEs in Parentheses): ====================================================== quality length prices roof ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ +2.007E+00 +5.284E-01 -2.042E+00 +3.812E+00 (+6.506E-02) (+2.911E-02) (+7.181E-02) (+1.153E-01) ======================================================
Note that the estimates are very close to the estimates without approximations to the optimal instruments but the standard errors are smaller especially for the random coefficient. With different sets of instruments the point estimates may differ more.
elasticities_own = updated_results.compute_elasticities().reshape((1000,4,4)).mean(axis=0).diagonal()
Computing elasticities with respect to prices ... Finished after 00:00:02.
array([-5.15695222, -5.16483513, -4.29922201, -4.17912948])
The logit elasticities in Problem set 1 were:
The nested logit elasticities in Problem set 1 were:
The BLP elasticities for firms 1 and 2 are smaller (closer to 0) and for firms 3 and 4 are larger (further from 0).
Let's compare in percentages:
elasticities_ps1_logit = np.array([-5.600759, -5.289546, -4.072071, -3.934288])
elasticities_ps1_nlogit = np.array([-5.695437, -5.484764, -4.065844, -3.933168])
print("Differences in % w.r.t to logit: ", (elasticities_own-elasticities_ps1_logit)*100/elasticities_own)
print("Differences in % w.r.t to nested logit: ", (elasticities_own-elasticities_ps1_nlogit)*100/elasticities_own)
Differences in % w.r.t to logit: [-8.60598986 -2.41461483 5.28353748 5.85867184] Differences in % w.r.t to nested logit: [-10.44191923 -6.19436762 5.42837764 5.88547168]
diversions = updated_results.compute_diversion_ratios().reshape((1000,4,4)).mean(axis=0)
print(diversions[0,2], "and" ,diversions[2,0])
Computing diversion ratios with respect to prices ... Finished after 00:00:02. 0.10439516533920497 and 0.15222955093717164
The diversion ratios calculated in Problem set 1 were
the BLP diversion ratio from product 1 to 3 is lower than the logit diversion ratio but a bit higher than the nested logit diversion ratio. the BLP diversion ratio from product 3 to 1 is lower than the logit and nested logit diversion ratios.
Let's compare in percentages:
D_13_logit = 0.1921416
D_31_logit = 0.3445739
D_13_nlogit = 0.09510307
D_31_nlogit = 0.2321172
print("Differences in % w.r.t to logit: ", (diversions[0,2]-D_13_logit)*100/diversions[0,2], "and" , (diversions[2,0]-D_31_logit)*100/diversions[2,0])
print("Differences in % w.r.t to nested logit: ", (diversions[0,2]-D_13_nlogit)*100/diversions[0,2], "and" , (diversions[2,0]-D_31_nlogit)*100/diversions[2,0])
Differences in % w.r.t to logit: -84.05220143642265 and -126.35151840013832 Differences in % w.r.t to nested logit: 8.90088665410196 and -52.478410775710486