clc clear close all addpath(genpath('')); cd(''); %% Load data % water_scarcity_05dgr - Water Scarcity Index (WCI & WSI combined) % gdp_per_capita_05dgr - GDP (US$) per capita (IIASA 2007) % hum_ftprint_05dgr - Human Footprint Index, the relative human influence in % terrestrial biomes (0 = least influenced parts, 100 = most influenced % parts of the biome) % ( % natural_haz_05dgr - global multihazard frequency and distribution % ( % hdi_05dgr - Human Development Index % (UNDP: load data_lecture6.mat %% plot the rasters figure; subplot(2,3,1) imagesc(gdp_per_capita_05dgr); colorbar title('Economics - GDP/cap'); subplot(2,3,2) imagesc(hum_ftprint_05dgr); colorbar title('Human Footprint') subplot(2,3,3) imagesc(natural_haz_05dgr); colorbar title('Natural Hazards') subplot(2,3,4); imagesc(water_scarcity_05dgr); set(gca, 'CLim', [0, 1]); colorbar title('Water Stress Index - WSI') subplot(2,3,5); imagesc(hdi_05dgr); set(gca, 'CLim', [0, 1]); colorbar title('Human Development Index - HDI') %% read country data % fao_id - compatible with the adm0_05dgr % Region id - geographical region % polity - governance level - the higher the more open governance (The % Worldwide Governance Indicators, 2015 Update Aggregate Governance % Indicators 1996-2014 raw_country = readtable('governance_index.xlsx'); %read xls raw data governance_indicator(:,1) = raw_country.FAO_ID; governance_indicator(:,2) = raw_country.RegionID; governance_indicator(:,3) = raw_country.governanceEffectiveness; %% Change NaN in governance data to regional average governance_indicator_reg(:,1) = unique(governance_indicator(:,2)); temp = accumarray(governance_indicator(:,2),governance_indicator(:,3),[],@nanmean); governance_indicator_reg(:,2) = temp; clear temp % fill NaN values in governance_indicator with regional averages for j = 1:size(governance_indicator,1) if isnan(governance_indicator(j,3)) governance_indicator(j,3) = governance_indicator_reg(governance_indicator(j,2),2); end end clear governance_indicator_reg %% Governance data to raster load('clip_zones.mat','adm0_05dgr'); %load country raster %create an empty matrix with the same row and col dimensions as adm0_05dgr governance_05dgr = zeros(size(adm0_05dgr)); for i = 1:size(governance_indicator,1) %loop that goes through all the countries listed in governance_indicator cntry_logical = adm0_05dgr == governance_indicator(i,1); %returns 1 whenever adm0 has the country id on row i governance_05dgr(cntry_logical) = governance_indicator(i,3);%collect the country data in the temp raster end governance_05dgr(governance_05dgr == 0) = NaN; % plot values figure; imagesc(governance_05dgr); colorbar title('Governance'); %% Transform GDP/cap to logarithmic scale % observed to work better for this kind of analysis gdp_per_capita_05dgr_log = log(gdp_per_capita_05dgr); %% Vulnerability and Resilience Index for each grid cell % Resilience index is calculated based on 3 societal indicators: % Governance, GDP/cap & HDI % -> Create an empty 3-layered variable res_parameters = zeros(size(adm0_05dgr,1),size(adm0_05dgr,2),3); % A. collect the indicators: % 1. governance res_parameters(:,:,1) = governance_05dgr; % 2. economics: GDP per capita res_parameters(:,:,2) = gdp_per_capita_05dgr_log; % 3. social capital: HDI res_parameters(:,:,3) = hdi_05dgr; % Vulnerability index is calculated based on 3 physical indicators: % Water Scarcity, Natural Hazards & Human Footprint % -> Create an empty 3-layered variable vuln_parameters = zeros(size(adm0_05dgr,1),size(adm0_05dgr,2),3); % 1. human footprint vuln_parameters(:,:,1) = hum_ftprint_05dgr; % 2. natural hazards vuln_parameters(:,:,2) = natural_haz_05dgr; % 3. water scarcity vuln_parameters(:,:,3) = water_scarcity_05dgr; % B. Normalisation by Scaling Between 0 and 1 % normalised(e_i) = (e_i - Emin)/(Emax-Emin) % some datasets have really high or low values, and those cannot be % included into normalisation, thus we use the 5th and 95th percentile % instead of min and max res_parameters_norm = zeros(size(res_parameters)); vuln_parameters_norm = zeros(size(vuln_parameters)); for i = 1:3 temp_res = res_parameters(:,:,i); temp_vuln = vuln_parameters(:,:,i); % normalise resilience index if max(max(temp_res)) > 1 temp_5perc = prctile(temp_res(:),5); temp_95perc = prctile(temp_res(:),95); res_index = (temp_res - temp_5perc) ./ (temp_95perc-temp_5perc); else res_index = temp_res; end % normalise vulnerability index if max(max(temp_vuln)) > 1 temp_5perc = prctile(temp_vuln(:),5); temp_95perc = prctile(temp_vuln(:),95); vuln_index = (temp_vuln - temp_5perc) ./ (temp_95perc-temp_5perc); else vuln_index = temp_vuln; end res_index(res_index > 1) = 1; res_index(res_index < 0) = 0; vuln_index(vuln_index > 1) = 1; vuln_index(vuln_index < 0) = 0; res_parameters_norm(:,:,i) = res_index; vuln_parameters_norm(:,:,i) = vuln_index; end % calculate vulnerability and resilience indices vuln_index = nanmean(vuln_parameters_norm,3); res_index = nanmean(res_parameters_norm,3); %% plot the parameters and the vulnerability index % parameters title_res_parameters = {'Governance','Economy (GDP/cap)','Social capital (HDI)'}; % NOTE: curly brackets needed for string type array title_vuln_parameters = {'Human Footprint','Natural Hazards','Water Scarcity'}; % NOTE: curly brackets needed for string type array % Check that the scales are ok: figure for i = 1:3 subplot(2,3,i) imagesc(res_parameters_norm(:,:,i)) title(title_res_parameters{i}) colorbar subplot(2,3,i+3) imagesc(vuln_parameters_norm(:,:,i)) title(title_vuln_parameters{i}) colorbar end % index figure; subplot(1,2,1) imagesc(res_index); colorbar title('resilience index'); subplot(1,2,2) imagesc(vuln_index); colorbar title('vulnerability index'); %% Calculate the individual vulnerability and resilience parameters for one basin % for one basin, e.g. Ganges-Brahmaputra (id = 7) load('clip_zones.mat', 'basins_05dgr'); % resilience parameters need to be weighted with population % vulnerability parameters need to be weighted with surface area load('total_pop.mat', 'total_pop_sel'); load('support_05dgr.mat','area_05dgr'); basin_logical = basins_05dgr == 7; % For resilience parameters calculate the sum of population weighted parameters % inside ganges basin and divide with total population of the basin for i = 1:3 res_parameters_norm_weighted(:,:,i) = res_parameters_norm(:,:,i) .* total_pop_sel(:,:,5); temp_weighted = basin_logical .* res_parameters_norm_weighted(:,:,i); temp_pop = basin_logical .* total_pop_sel(:,:,5); ganges_res(1,i) = nansum(nansum(temp_weighted))./nansum(nansum(temp_pop)); end % For vulnerability parameters calculate the sum of area weighted parameters % inside ganges basin and divide with total area of the basin for i = 1:3 vuln_parameters_norm_weighted(:,:,i) = vuln_parameters_norm(:,:,i) .* area_05dgr; temp_weighted = basin_logical .* vuln_parameters_norm_weighted(:,:,i); temp_area = basin_logical .* area_05dgr; ganges_vuln(1,i) = nansum(nansum(temp_weighted))./nansum(nansum(temp_area)); end clear temp* ganges_res(1,4) = nanmean(ganges_res); ganges_vuln(1,4) = nanmean(ganges_vuln); %% EXAMPLE: Plot the results as a bar chart % bar chart of different parameters figure title_vuln = [title_vuln_parameters,'total']; barh(ganges_vuln, 0.5); % 0.5 is the relative bar width set(gca,'YTickLabel',title_vuln); % stacked bar chart of vuln index ganges_vuln_stacked(1,1:3) = zeros; %stacked bar chart only works with 2 or more stacked bars, so we need to fool matlab by creating an extra dataset ganges_vuln_stacked(2,:) = ganges_vuln(1:3) / 3; figure barh(ganges_vuln_stacked, 0.5, 'stacked'); set(gca,'Ylim',[1.5 2.5], 'YTick', 2, 'YTickLabel', 'vulnerability index'); %if we set the y-axis limit like this, we don't see the extra dataset. In %this case we also need to specify where the label should be by using YTick % combine the two charts new_label_vuln = [title_vuln(4) title_vuln(1:3)]; figure barh([1 2], ganges_vuln_stacked, 0.5, 'stacked'); hold on h = barh(3:5, ganges_vuln(1:3), 0.5); set(gca,'Ylim',[1.5 5.5], 'YTick', 2:8,'YTickLabel',new_label_vuln, 'Ticklength', [0,0]); % if you want the parameters to have the same colors as in the stacked bar, % it gets a bit tricky but can be done: % the colors of the 5 parameters will be different if we have a grouped bar % chart, but this also works with only 2 or more groups, so we need to create % an extra data group ganges_vuln_colors = ganges_vuln(1:3); ganges_vuln_colors(2,:) = zeros; % in this case you'll have to manually try out the right locations of bars and % labels and the relative width of bars to make them look nice. Might be % easier to do in Illustrator, if you need just the one chart! figure barh([0.40,0.55], ganges_vuln_stacked, 0.70, 'stacked'); %0.4 and 0.55 refer to the vertical axis, they are the locations of the extra %stacked bar (0.4) and the actual stacked bar (0.55) hold on %with hold on we are able to draw another plot in the same axes barh(1:2, ganges_vuln_colors, 0.5, 'grouped'); %1 and 2 are the locations of the parameter values group and the extra %group we created % set the Ylim so that either of the extra data sets is not inside our plot set(gca,'Ylim',[0.45 1.4],'Xlim',[0, 1],'YTick', [0.55, 0.7767, 1.0033, 1.23],'YTickLabel',new_label_vuln, 'Ticklength', [0,0]); % and the same thing for resilience ganges_res_stacked(1,1:3) = zeros; ganges_res_stacked(2,:) = ganges_res(1:3) / 3; ganges_res_colors = ganges_res(1:3); ganges_res_colors(2,:) = zeros; new_label_res = ['total' title_res_parameters(1:3)]; figure barh([0.40,0.55], ganges_res_stacked, 0.70, 'stacked'); hold on barh(1:2, ganges_res_colors, 0.5, 'grouped'); set(gca,'Ylim',[0.45 1.4],'Xlim',[0, 1],'YTick', [0.55, 0.7767, 1.0033, 1.23],'YTickLabel',new_label_res, 'Ticklength', [0,0]); %% EXAMPLE: Map the parameters and the vulnerability inside one basin % open the georeference that matches with our parameters variable load support_05dgr.mat R_05 load clip_zones.mat basin_names [ganges_res_parameters_norm, ganges_R] = cut_basin_raster(res_parameters_norm, R_05, 'Ganges-Brahmaputra', basin_names, basins_05dgr); [ganges_vuln_parameters_norm, ganges_R] = cut_basin_raster(vuln_parameters_norm, R_05, 'Ganges-Brahmaputra', basin_names, basins_05dgr); ganges_res_index = nanmean(ganges_res_parameters_norm,3); ganges_vuln_index = nanmean(ganges_vuln_parameters_norm,3); % parameters title_res = {'Governance','Economy (GDP/cap)','Social capital (HDI)'}; % NOTE: curly brackets needed for string type array title_vuln = {'Human Footprint','Natural Hazards','Water Scarcity'}; % NOTE: curly brackets needed for string type array figure for i = 1:3 subplot(2,3,i) imagesc(ganges_res_parameters_norm(:,:,i)) title(title_res{i}) colorbar subplot(2,3,i+3) imagesc(ganges_vuln_parameters_norm(:,:,i)) title(title_vuln{i}) colorbar end % index figure; subplot(1,2,1) imagesc(ganges_res_index); colorbar title('resilience index'); subplot(1,2,2) imagesc(ganges_vuln_index); colorbar title('vulnerability index');